To add to what others have said,

TV has never required an HD capable TV, just ED
or HD, but it does 'require' a widescreen TV. From Apple's
Tech Specs page for the
Compatible with enhanced-definition or high-definition widescreen TVs capable of 1080p/1080i 60/50Hz, 720p 60/50Hz, 576p 50Hz (PAL format), or 480p 60Hz.
If your TV is 4:3 the image will be distorted (compressed horizontally, so everything's tall and skinny), unless your TV has a 16:9 mode, where it letterboxes the image.
Having said that, the other hurdle is getting your TV connected. The

TV only outputs component (
not composite) and HDMI, so you need a way to connect to one of those. There is a hack (cited above) for using the component output to connect to a composite input, but I don't have any direct experience with that. I wish I could give you some advice about SCART; I know there have been several discussions about that. I think it requires a converter of some kind, and if I recall correctly it may not be cheap to go from component to SCART (rather than the other way around), which is what you need. You might try searching the forums for 'SCART' and see what you turn up.