I agree with others that you really need to wait until both are out and feedback comes in. Having said that, based on what has been seen so far some of the major functional differences include (but as stated, are probably not limited to as no one has really used it yet):
- ATV integrates with iTunes to stream your own music, movies, tv shows, ... This is a key feature for me and if you are looking for this I don't think there is much of a choice to make.
- Google TV integrates with your cable box. Allows you to use the internet while watching tv and include your dvr content in searches. It generally integrates the internet experience with your dvr. I think this is the key distinguishing feature, and how well this works and how useful people find it will be important. ATV doesn't really integrate the internet, except for specific apps (Movie/tv rentals, youtube, netflix, and photos).
- ATV is focused on media content and providing a very streamlined, easy to use interface for accessing it. Google is much broader in scope by integrating internet search, browser, ... Though as a result of this you need to use a keyboard with Google tv, which in my opinion is probably not going to work so well for many (except the techies who will love it).
- Google tv will support apps, not live day one but has been made clear. Assumption (really, hope) is that ATV will, but since nothing has been said on that you can't assume it.
I am very curious to see how google tv does, i think price and the keyboard will be limiting factors, but you never know. I gave my parents an apple tv and they love watching their photos on it and listening to music. I can't imagine them using anything even slightly more complicated. But as it was stated, this is a mac forum