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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 14, 2008
hey i bought the magic trackpad a few days ago but i dont think i really like it.. I use it with my mb pro and a wireless apple keyboard. but i dont know if i like it. It kinda feels wierd and i was hoping i could use it with my mac mini home theater. but my mac mini is a g4 with leopard. should i just take it back and get the new apple tv.

let me know you guys suggestions.

which one is the better buy ?
Well they are 2 different types of products. It's kind of like asking should you buy a bicycle or a stuffed animal. If you don't like the magic trackpad, just take it back and get the apple tv. I'm sure you could probably catch a magic trackpad for a good price sometime down the line.
Using the Magic Trackpad is really intended for desktop users. It offers little to no benefit to people that already have all the functionality of an Apple Trackpad already built into their MacBook Pro.
hey i bought the magic trackpad a few days ago but i dont think i really like it.. I use it with my mb pro and a wireless apple keyboard. but i dont know if i like it. It kinda feels wierd and i was hoping i could use it with my mac mini home theater. but my mac mini is a g4 with leopard. should i just take it back and get the new apple tv.

let me know you guys suggestions.

which one is the better buy ?

Which one is the better buy? Let's see, for $69 you get something that does what a mouse does (with the exception of multi-touch). For $99, you get a device that allows you to stream movies, TV shows, photos, etc., rent HD movies & TV shows, access Netflix, YouTube, Flickr, and internet radio stations, and take advantage of the soon-to-be-released AirPlay features.

I don't know, I'm stumped :)

u make a valid point sir. I am reconsidering this purchase. the only problem is i bought it from best buy and im sure they dont have apple tvs yet. i would easily repay the difference for a apple tv from best buy...

No...unless your Mini home theater no longer serves your needs.

i use the mini in my bed room.. the apple tv would go on the big set in the living room.. a 52 inch samsung. i tried the mini in the living room but it didnt display full screen.. looks perfect on 32 tho..
u make a valid point sir. I am reconsidering this purchase. the only problem is i bought it from best buy and im sure they dont have apple tvs yet. i would easily repay the difference for a apple tv from best buy...

Can't you just take the Magic Trackpad back to Best Buy and get a full refund, and then purchase the :apple:TV from somewhere else? Wouldn't that be the same thing?
Can't you just take the Magic Trackpad back to Best Buy and get a full refund, and then purchase the :apple:TV from somewhere else? Wouldn't that be the same thing?

Sounds like he doesn't have the receipt...although most stores these days can look up the receipt info for you in the computer using the credit card used for purchase.
im gonna find out from best buy... I think they are gonna end up giving me a giftcard tho so i can purchase something from best buy with it.. when i just want the apple tv...
If you paid by giftcard, then yes, you should only get a giftcard back. But, if you paid with cash, check, or credit, then they should refund in the same method. The stipulation of course is that either you have your receipt, or they can find it in their system. If no receipt, then I guess you will have to deal with a giftcard. I bet in the next few weeks they will start selling the ATV, if not sooner. Fry's already has it, so I don't see why BestBuy wouldn't have it at some point.
if best buy gives me the money back ill go right for the apple tv. i dont know what i was thinking with this trackpad. I got caught in the apple hype again..
if best buy gives me the money back ill go right for the apple tv. i dont know what i was thinking with this trackpad. I got caught in the apple hype again..

The first question you should ask yourself you need a Magic Trackpad? And it sounds like from your earlier post that you don't. So you should return it.

The next question is, do you need an ATV? It's sounding like you weren't even really sure what all it did if you were wondering if it was a better buy than the trackpad. But, more importantly, now that you know more about what it can do, does it sound like something you need? Or are you just wanting it because everyone else here is excited by it?

If you don't really have a need for it, then save the $99.
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