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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 27, 2008
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
i've had my apple TV for a few months, now i got a new stand for my tv. because of that, now i have to have my apple tv on top of my satellite receiver because i don't have enough room. there is plenty of room for the apple tv to air out, but yesterday, it got so hot that my satellite receiver crashed, nothing works. Has anyone else experienced a problem like this.
The Apple TV has been knowing to get rather hot. I've even had the experience of touching on that had been on for several hours.

I'd keep it off of other electronic hardware.
i did this morning, i put it somewhere else, and i watched family guy on it, it got so hot that when i was going to unplug it (so it doesn't overheat again) i burned my finger.
i did this morning, i put it somewhere else, and i watched family guy on it, it got so hot that when i was going to unplug it (so it doesn't overheat again) i burned my finger.
That's the experience I've had as well. The exterior at least hits 130° F. I'd give Apple a call and see if they have anything else to say about this.
LOL "make them give you an ipod touch"? You want to "make" Apple give you a Touch because the unit gets super hot? Did I miss something here?

Yes, the Apple TV gets hot (no fans, the outside acts as a heatsink). Yes, you should keep it off other equipment. No, Apple shouldn't give you a Touch.

The world is crazy.

My AppleTV sits on an Antec coolpad, which is designed to cool laptops. I don't run the fans, but it's a cool, hard surface that also allows air to circulate under the AppleTV. My AppleTV gets warm after playing an HD movie, but not "burn my finger" warm.
The AppleTV does have an internal fan. It is fine if it gets hot but not to the point of getting burned. The Intel CPU that is in it is made to withstand high temps. I personally would not put it anywhere near anything other equipment.
I wish Apple would provide actual power management for it. Standby mode is just the Apple TV turned on without the video output.

Yes, the Apple TV gets hot (no fans, the outside acts as a heatsink).

The Apple TV does have an internal fan. Check the dissection photos.
The Apple TV does have a fan

LOL "make them give you an ipod touch"? You want to "make" Apple give you a Touch because the unit gets super hot? Did I miss something here?

Yes, the Apple TV gets hot (no fans, the outside acts as a heatsink). Yes, you should keep it off other equipment. No, Apple shouldn't give you a Touch.

The world is crazy.

The Apple TV does have a fan, it just runs at a very low speed. I believe it does something, but I think Apple should of put a more powerful fan into the device. If you are looking at the device from above or straight at it while the light and IR sensor are facing you, the fan is located on the left side, so if you put your hand their you should feel some warm air coming out. I've opened the device and I wanted to change the fan but can't.
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AppleTV gets warm, yes, but you can't put it ON TOP of other heat generating devices and not expect trouble -for BOTH devices.
Well ... with the rubber bottom pad removed and four felt furniture leg pads (from home depot ... about 3/16 ths inch thick) mine has been running non stop for almost two months with no fan. Yes, the internal fan started to make some weird noises so I just removed it. Afaik from removal it does *nothing* useful. Yes, the top of the atv is a heat sink. So gets very hot. It is my belief that if you remove the rubber pad on the bottom and expose the perforated metal bottom plate to any kind of air the atv really does not need the fan at all. Having said that stacking it on any kind of other heat producing equipment is just asking for trouble.

Edit: Another note as was reported by CaveMan in another thread ( do not really remember which one though ), it seems the wireless card in the atv is a big source of heat possibly. I have my atv hooked into ethernet which *might* mean my atv's wireless card is running cooler since its not active. Though I can not say for sure. Another note in the interest of full disclosure, my atv has no internal hard drive since I am running the esata mod so there is inherently more open room for air circulation and one less heat producing internal device.
Hi folks,

I know this thread is pretty old - but I just thought I'd add to the Apple TV hotplate debate.

I've detailed my experience on my blog:


Looking at this picture, it doesn't look like the thermal paste is even covering the entire top of the chip. Perhaps a freshly applied even coat of thermal paste will help with your cooling issues.
Try some spacers between the satellite box and the AppleTV. I built a spacer solution with Legos to lift the AppleTV off my DVR. My AppleTV looked like a lifted beach house.
i did this morning, i put it somewhere else, and i watched family guy on it, it got so hot that when i was going to unplug it (so it doesn't overheat again) i burned my finger.

A consumer product (that is not designed for cooking) that gets that hot on the exterior is defective, period.:D
I haven't been having any problems with my AppleTV. However, it does run hot (as they all do, apparently). After reading many threads on this, I decided to go ahead and remove the rubber from the bottom. After all, what function does it actually perform? However, instead of using the furniture leg pads as dynaflash suggested, I cut the corners from the rubber mat and used them. They had enough of the glue left on them that I didn't even need to add any sticky tape.

I can't see how there's any downside to this. It can only increase airflow, which has to lead to lower temps. Sure, it still gets warm, but it surely is running at a lower temperature than before.
The :apple:tv runs hot anyway, so, sitting it on top of (heat rises) a hot box will make it worse. I took the pad off the bottom lifted it just a little bit and plugged in a cheap variable usb fan. It runs much cooler now. It now only gets warm from the middle to the back when playing media, but I turn up the dial a little bit before I am going to watch a movie or something. I do agree with tjriver. Apple should be ashamed of putting out products :)apple:tv and TC) that get as hot as they do when all they need to do is add a little more ventilation and increase the fan speed
I have had my ATV for a few years now, and it too overheats. This thing really gets hot. I have checked its temp on the exterior and it can exceed 130 degrees.

I have had to replace the hard drive in it a couple of times, which I attribute to the heat. In case any of you haven't had the pleasure, replacing the drive is a pita. Good part is I have a much larger drive in it now.

I have resorted to 1) peeling the rubber insulating foot off of the bottom so that the bottom works as a large heat sink and 2) standing it on edge (I use a Maxtor external drive stand to help it from falling over 3) unplugging the power when I am not using it. Not exactly optimal.

Since doing this, I have not lost any more hard drives. I am considering building a custom case of some sort for it that has a large slow moving (ie quiet) fan in it.
I have had my AppleTV for 2.5 years. I have never had to replace a drive, let alone replace it "a couple of times'. Maybe you should have taken yours back?

Sure it gets hot on the outside, like it is supposed to, to keep the inside cooler. I have not had any issues, but I also have not stored my ATV on top of other heat-producing componants or in an enclosed space which may be causing some folks problems.

We use our every day and stream all of our content from our iMac Mini wirelessly as well as view YouTube videos in the evenings to entertain my almost 3yo. I would say on average, out ATV gets used 3-4 hours each and every day.....sometimes closer to 10-12 hours on some days. Aside from some wifi issues about a year ago which was solved by doing a factory restore on the Airport Extreme, ATV has turned out to be a sensational purchase for us and an essential componant to allow us to cut out cable in our home.

Yes, it gets per its design.
I have an adjustable speed USB fan (Thermaltake Mobile Fan II External USB Cooling Fan) for my Apple TV. Additionally, I have my Apple TV plugged into the back of my receivers switched power outlet, so it only comes on when my receiver is on.

Because of the fan, I have had no heat issues and can touch my Apple TV without even the sense of heat. The fan is about $14 dollars on Amazon.
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