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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 5, 2008
OK I usually buy a lot of my movies on bluray, but got an apple tv for free not to long ago and I purchase hd content. I know the offerings aren't quite bluray standard, but for the file sizes they look darn good and beat out cable or satelite. The thing is why are the movies from the last few months that are new releases all lacking hd versions? Sherlock Holmes, Zombieland, Blindside, LOTR Bundle and Avatar don't have hd versions available. Making me go out and buy the bd copy. It seemed to happen after Christmas no new release hd versions for movies, but great hd tv show selection.
That's weird I never noticed but I usually only rent anyways. But I did just look a few of the titles you listed in the iTunes store and you can buy them in HD on there so I do not see why you can't buy them on the Apple TV. Will have to check it out when I get home this morning.
I know that the BluRay release of LOTR is not out yet, so I wouldn't assume there is an HD version available yet.
It's to do with the studios and the agreements Apple has with them. In many cases, Apple (or any other electronic distribution channel, FTM) can't put up the HD version for purchase, and possibly even rental for a certain period after the release of the disk to retail.

This keeps the studios happy, as they perceive that they are getting a big chunk of money from folks buying who have to have it "right now".

These agreements can vary studio-to-studio, and even release-to-release.

Not a whole lot that can be done about it.

The Lord of the Rings bundle is in HD, and right now it's the same price as standard quality.
The HD version is available for purchase in Canada, but not in the U.S. As for why other movies are not available for purchase in HD, I believe that viggen61 is correct -- it's because of the studios, Apple can't do anything about it. Also, I have never seen any of the so-called classic movies available for purchase in HD, you can rent many of them in HD but none are available for purchase and here we're talking about movies that were released more than 50 years ago.
The HD version is available for purchase in Canada, but not in the U.S. As for why other movies are not available for purchase in HD, I believe that viggen61 is correct -- it's because of the studios, Apple can't do anything about it. Also, I have never seen any of the so-called classic movies available for purchase in HD, you can rent many of them in HD but none are available for purchase and here we're talking about movies that were released more than 50 years ago.
My bad, I just assumed if the Canadian store had it the US store would have it as well.
Heck, I'm almost ready to purchase the SD versions of LOTR...3 movies for $20!?!? Sweet Deal...even if it is 'only' the theatrical releases.

If they have the HD versions available for the same price then Apple/New Line gets my $20 immediately!

Wish I lived in Toronto right now. :mad:
1080p, really

Your answer lies with Apple, or the movie studios, or a combination of the two. It most definitely has to do with those in charge thinking in 20th century terms.

Ideally all movies in iTunes would be offered as some are, with four options: rent in SD or HD, buy in SD or HD. Instead, as noted, it might be this or something inexplicably less. Moreover it can change, so worth checking back as that desired might become available. There seems no rhyme or reason, other than in disenfranchising the customer.

Notable also that that all HD fair presently offered in iTunes is only half that, 720p rather 1080p. If which rather good, better than nothing, is no match for the quality of a Blue Ray disc (BD). Some go to great lengths, in time and technical expertise, to digitize their DVD and BD discs. Anyone having experienced the ease and flexibility of downloading media from iTunes and using a digital library might understand why, but in most cases probably neither the inclination or expertise to do as much.

So at the moment one can accept the ease of using such providers as Netflix, Amazon and iTunes, at a certain quality, or opt for the best quality with BD in the traditional form of physical media. At some point someone (with the will to make it happen) is going to realize there really is a demand for the best possible quality, anywhere, anytime . . . at the push of but a button. It will come, all excuses of limitations of broadband and other factors aside. Those thinking otherwise are not firmly in the 21st century, or focusing forward.

Apple could begin by not only offering a new version of ATV 1080p capable, but also offering such media on iTunes . . . as an always standard option.
Yes, I have noticed this and it's really annoying. I require two features from movies for me to buy them from iTunes; HD and itunes extras. If these aren't available it just makes no sense for me to buy the movies. I'm really trying to get away from "stealing" things, but netflix and handbrake just saves me soooo much money that I can't reasonably not do it. So, I made a rule that if iTunes had a movie that I really like in HD and with extras, I'd buy it. Unfortunately, the only ones like that have been Star Trek and The Princess Bride. There are tons of movies I'd buy that have the extras, but they aren't in HD. So, even though 20$ is still overpriced, I'm willing to give the studios some money but they are deciding to not let me. And even though I've now figured out how to rip blu-rays to iTunes, it makes buying them even harder to justify, but I'm still willing to do it for my favorites.
Blame the studios. Apple gains nothing by limiting the HD versions of their offerings.

And the 720p vs 1080p is a bandwidth thing, not an Apple thing. Which also explains (but does not excuse) their lack of urgency in upgrading Apple TV to take 1080p content.
Catch up

If ATV and iTunes are intrinsically linked, Apple might best begin with upgrading ATV to 1080p. It is a fading franchise otherwise, with despite its good UI more and more willing to look elsewhere.

Particularly if ATV is 1080p capable, it would make sense for Apple to begin offering 1080p media. Even now some customers are willing to wait on an 8GB download. It is technically possible, but a matter of time, and, despite the efforts of Comcast and its ilk, the trend is towards faster and less expensive broadband. This will only accelerate as more and more people expect to download media via Netflix, iTunes, etc. Moreover, increasingly customers will ask themselves why they should buy an iTunes HD movie at 720p when they could have Blue Ray at 1080p. Convenience will only go so far. And Apple really out of luck when other providers begin to offer such an option.

The iPad may point the way towards how many people will wish to use their primary computer (and the iPad could have such functionality with Cloud Computing). But even if the iPad isn't 1080p capable, or ever is, many will still wish to use it as a remote, or in some other way get 1080p media up on the big screen . . . with a digital library to match. Either Apple provides this or someone else will. They might beg off for now with the excuse of insufficient broadband, and safe with few yet accustomed to downloading media on a regular basis. But that will change, probably fairly soon. At that point either they have led the way . . . or will be playing catch up, if they can.
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