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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 23, 2009
This may be old news, but I just discovered the other day that you can use the pilot's alphabet when dictating text to the Apple TV. While the device has been pretty good at hearing letter names in the past for me, it's recognition of the pilot alphabet was spot on the first time I used it. Second advantage? I can hide my passwords from my kids just a little bit longer. Letter pronunciation for pilot's alphabet listed below. Anyone else used this or know about it?

  • A - Alpha
  • B - Bravo
  • C - Charlie
  • D - Delta
  • E - Echo
  • F - Foxtrot
  • G - Golf
  • H - Hotel
  • I - India
  • J - Juliet
  • K - Kilo
  • L - Lima
  • M - Mike
  • N - November
  • O - Oscar
  • P - Papa
  • Q - Quebec
  • R - Romeo
  • S - Sierra
  • T - Tango
  • U - Uniform
  • V - Victor
  • W - Whiskey
  • X - Xray
  • Y - Yankee
  • Z - Zulu
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