I am going to be buying an Apple TV Take 2 here pretty soon along with an Airport Extreme Base Station. I would just like to know if this set-up would work.
I want to keep all of my iTunes music files on my Unibody MacBook Pro so that I have those with me at all times but Movies and TV Shows are expensive on hard drive space so I want to keep all of those on an External HD that is connected via an Airport Extreme Base Station. (This External HD would also be acting as my Time Capsule - wasn't sure if this would affect anything)
Here is my plan:
I will create an iTunes Library in a folder on my External HD and point iTunes to that folder so that I can fill that library with my Movies, TV Shows and maybe a couple hundred songs. Since I have iTunes automatically keep my library organized it should copy anything I drag into the library, while pointed to that folder, to the External HD and not keep a copy on my MBP. Right? And then when I want to watch a movie on my Apple TV I will point iTunes to this external library and then I should be able to stream movies to my Apple TV. Right?
For the vast majority of the time I will keep my iTunes pointed to my local iTunes Folder on my MBP so that I can stream my music to my Apple TV.
This set should work, correct?
If I am not being clear enough with my idea please let me know and I'll do my best to clarify.
Any help with this or any ideas on how I could do this in a simpler way would be much appreciated!
I want to keep all of my iTunes music files on my Unibody MacBook Pro so that I have those with me at all times but Movies and TV Shows are expensive on hard drive space so I want to keep all of those on an External HD that is connected via an Airport Extreme Base Station. (This External HD would also be acting as my Time Capsule - wasn't sure if this would affect anything)
Here is my plan:
I will create an iTunes Library in a folder on my External HD and point iTunes to that folder so that I can fill that library with my Movies, TV Shows and maybe a couple hundred songs. Since I have iTunes automatically keep my library organized it should copy anything I drag into the library, while pointed to that folder, to the External HD and not keep a copy on my MBP. Right? And then when I want to watch a movie on my Apple TV I will point iTunes to this external library and then I should be able to stream movies to my Apple TV. Right?
For the vast majority of the time I will keep my iTunes pointed to my local iTunes Folder on my MBP so that I can stream my music to my Apple TV.
This set should work, correct?
If I am not being clear enough with my idea please let me know and I'll do my best to clarify.
Any help with this or any ideas on how I could do this in a simpler way would be much appreciated!