Hye guys,
So I am looking at apple tv. My setup will be three macs, airport extreme, apple tv and Netgear ReadyNas.
I am planning to connect the ready nas to AE via ethernet cable and the rest will be wireless "n".
The NAS has built in itunes server so I want to make use of this to store all our media and also extend the storage available to the apple tv.
One question I had was can I truly use the NAS as a media server. I understand I can set it to automatically check for new files. So in theory new files added from one machine should show up on another - is this correct?
I assume If it set up all the computers + apple tv to use the library folder pointed to the nas that this will work. So also if i purchase a movie on apple tv then my imac will also be able to view it. And also our ipods will be able to load anything that has been added to the "server" no matter which computer it was added? - is this correct and doable...?
Also i plan to put all the dvds we have onto the nas for use on the apple tv or the computers - is this easy to do? and also will i be loosing mases of quality or occur any dubbing issues with sound?
I have searched the forums but I just cant seem to find definitive answers.
Your help is much appreciated =D
So I am looking at apple tv. My setup will be three macs, airport extreme, apple tv and Netgear ReadyNas.
I am planning to connect the ready nas to AE via ethernet cable and the rest will be wireless "n".
The NAS has built in itunes server so I want to make use of this to store all our media and also extend the storage available to the apple tv.
One question I had was can I truly use the NAS as a media server. I understand I can set it to automatically check for new files. So in theory new files added from one machine should show up on another - is this correct?
I assume If it set up all the computers + apple tv to use the library folder pointed to the nas that this will work. So also if i purchase a movie on apple tv then my imac will also be able to view it. And also our ipods will be able to load anything that has been added to the "server" no matter which computer it was added? - is this correct and doable...?
Also i plan to put all the dvds we have onto the nas for use on the apple tv or the computers - is this easy to do? and also will i be loosing mases of quality or occur any dubbing issues with sound?
I have searched the forums but I just cant seem to find definitive answers.
Your help is much appreciated =D