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will the current gen apple tv allow you to view your slingbox?

Not as far as I know. The slingplayer iOS app uses a different video format which I don't think will work with Airplay.

Someone who knows better, please tell me I'm wrong, I'd love to get slingbox up on my Apple TV.
I'm really hoping to be able access my slingbox via atv.

I think (hope) one of two things happens- either an iOS update in the future will enable downloading of apps onto atv. One big issue here, at least as I understand it, is that the atv has limited on board storage- which is intended for buffering. Perhaps a v.2 version will have more memory.

The alternative is an updated version of the iphones/ipads slingplayer app that supports video over airplay. Given Slings track record with prior updates, if this is even possible (no system/OS constraints etc.), we could expect and update in 2015.
Eyetv has the ability to do it now, so I would expect that it is possible for Sling. As was mentioned, Sling is terribly slow to add updates, so it could be a while before we see it.
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