Apple TV Take 2.1 New Features Wishlist
How hard can it be
1. Movies categorized by genre
2. Music Video Playlists
How hard can it be
1. Movies categorized by genre
2. Music Video Playlists
4. Accessing network resources (via AFP or SMB) enabled by default - so I can play stuff I have on my NAS upstairs without having to hack the heck out of my AppleTV.
Wouldn't it be easier to just leave a computer with iTunes running somewhere on your network? Even a cheap, used mac mini would do the trick. Just seems easier than "having to hack the heck out of my AppleTV."
Wouldn't it be easier to just leave a computer with iTunes running somewhere on your network? Even a cheap, used mac mini would do the trick. Just seems easier than "having to hack the heck out of my AppleTV."
Happy with Apple TV for almost a full year now but would love to see:
1. Safari Built-in
2. Widgets for weather & so on
3. Ability to choose what content to stream
4. Same organization for Movies as TV Shows (Genres)
5. Google Maps
6. Better selection of movies
7. Video Play lists
9. Stop breaking off music while browsing content
10. Back to My Mac
11. Control via iPhone
Either add playlist ability or bring back source selection please.
Please point me in the direction of a cheap, used Mac mini, I'm talking less than $500 here.
Remove restriction for requiring a Mac/PC. iTunes application on theTV.
Basically you want a computer....
Apple TV Take 2 does not require an associated computer.