Can Apple TV (jailbroken) play .sub files?
I recently started using PS3 to watch movies because my macbook air gets hot too easy and video playback gets choppy. However the PS3 can not view .sub files only .srt. Half of my movies use .sub files. I spent a few hours looking into looking for software to change .sub to .srt files but all the programs only support .srt like roadmovie, handbrake, etc.
So the MAIN thing i wish to have is:
One system able to play all my movies.
Can Apple Tv do this? If not, is there something that I can use instead? Thank you very much
Can Apple TV (jailbroken) play .sub files?
I recently started using PS3 to watch movies because my macbook air gets hot too easy and video playback gets choppy. However the PS3 can not view .sub files only .srt. Half of my movies use .sub files. I spent a few hours looking into looking for software to change .sub to .srt files but all the programs only support .srt like roadmovie, handbrake, etc.
So the MAIN thing i wish to have is:
One system able to play all my movies.
Can Apple Tv do this? If not, is there something that I can use instead? Thank you very much