Anyone have any insight into whether Apple TV is a one-shot deal or whether there's been any talk of an update at some point? Is it useful or just a novelty? Thinking about it just not totally sold on the idea yet.
Anyone have any insight into whether Apple TV is a one-shot deal or whether there's been any talk of an update at some point? Is it useful or just a novelty? Thinking about it just not totally sold on the idea yet.
If we see an update, we'll know it wasn't a one-off.
It CERTAINLY has far more potential for an update than anything else that Apple one-offed, since it's been around for two years.
The Cube was never updated, nor was the iPod Hi-Fi.
I think we'll see an Apple TV update once they find some hardware that can decode 1080p while not melting the existing case.
I love my apple tv. All my DVDs are on a 2tb drive meaning all the discs are nicely packed away instead of being sprawled all over the lounge floor. I hope they do update sometime. It just had a FW update so they haven't forgotton about it.Tallest Skil talking bs again.
I love my apple tv. All my DVDs are on a 2tb drive meaning all the discs are nicely packed away instead of being sprawled all over the lounge floor. I hope they do update sometime. It just had a FW update so they haven't forgotton about it.
Tallest (lack of) skil: They most certainly did update the G4 Cube.
I've noticed tallest skil is often wrong (but quick to berate others). Is there a way of adjusting my personal prefs so it simply blocks out all of tallest skils' posts?
Until ISP's will be able to allow people to download 1080p movies without causing traffic chaos then I don't think it'll see a major upgrade.
The Apple TV really is still a hobby. It isn't for anyone who doesn't know about encoding videos. Fair enough you can use it to rent movies on iTunes etc, but the real use is to store all your TV shows and movies (ripped DVD's or by other means) and have them all playable at your finger tips.
I want to see the Apple TV opened to App developers, with an SDK like the iPhone, I think the next killer app, like the MLB would rule on an Apple TV.
Tallest (lack of) skil: They most certainly did update the G4 Cube.
I've noticed tallest skil is often wrong (but quick to berate others). Is there a way of adjusting my personal prefs so it simply blocks out all of tallest skils' posts?
I've considered this myself.
I personally hope it's updated ... and that they add remote desktop, bluetooth for a keyboard/mouse, faster processor and a bigger harddrive.
Did I mention I was a dreamer?!?
cough mac mini cough couch
I know it has been battled to death, but if Apple were to buy Elgato and whack in a TV tuner along with an Apple style optimised EyeTV software, then we'd be making progress.
I do have a mini (my media server) also, but the front row interface is lacking, especially for slide show but also for my movies. Make the apple tv the 'front row' on the mini accessing itunes/iphoto .... hmmmmmm.
I know it has been battled to death, but if Apple were to buy Elgato and whack in a TV tuner along with an Apple style optimised EyeTV software, then we'd be making progress.