Hi, I did a search on Macrumors but was not able to find a thread on this but I am pretty sure one does exist. If there is a preexisting thread then please direct me in the right direction. I live in a studio and normally just stream all my video/audio content to my Apple TV and just watch it from there. Cable is really expensive and being a student does not offer many luxuries.
I was wondering if there was any way to rig the Elgato EyeTV tuner to the Apple TV and use the harddrive in it as storage for the DVR function. I know a lot of people do the HTPC route and use this setup but I was wondering if there was any way to watch cable TV just using the Eyetv.
Also, more questions on the EyeTV for people that do own it. How do you actually get the TV signals? Do you have to have it set up with a preexisting cable line like Slingbox? What channels could I get?
Would it better to just set up a slingbox at my parent's home and use that to watch TV in my apartment? I don't even know if that is possible but I wanted to find out. Basically, what is the best way and the most affordable way of watching cable over the internet. Thanks a lot for your help. I appreciate it.
I was wondering if there was any way to rig the Elgato EyeTV tuner to the Apple TV and use the harddrive in it as storage for the DVR function. I know a lot of people do the HTPC route and use this setup but I was wondering if there was any way to watch cable TV just using the Eyetv.
Also, more questions on the EyeTV for people that do own it. How do you actually get the TV signals? Do you have to have it set up with a preexisting cable line like Slingbox? What channels could I get?
Would it better to just set up a slingbox at my parent's home and use that to watch TV in my apartment? I don't even know if that is possible but I wanted to find out. Basically, what is the best way and the most affordable way of watching cable over the internet. Thanks a lot for your help. I appreciate it.