So, I don't know a great deal about this stuff, but I do know just a few tidbits of info that might actually make this a living room powerhouse. My goals for an ideal AppleTV would be.
1 - Upgrade the hard drive. 500GB or 1TB 3.5 drives have been installed in these things with little headaches. Any input on the hard drive upgrade?
2 - Full OSX Tiger. This would allow a plethora of things, like basic web browsing, but the main trick up my sleeve is...
3 - MESS and MAME emulators. With the large amount of space, I'd be able to keep my roms on the AppleTV and use either USB controllers or BT ps3 controllers (it's been done apparently, not alot of concrete tutorials though), to play through my old school collection. I believe most games should run alright even with the 256MB RAM limit in the AppleTV.
4 - Original AppleTV functionality. From what I hear, it's more than possible to install the original AppleTV software within OSX, meaning you wouldn't lose functionality. If not, I suppose there's FrontRow.
I'm curious how the overall performance will be with 256MB of RAM, but then again, oh my old 1.4GHZ Athlon running XP with only 256MB of RAM all these things ran fine, so I'd expect no less from OSX.
Thoughts? This thing would be a PERFECT media server/sofatop web browser, it's the emulation charictaristics I'm really shooting for. I know I COULD just do a mac mini, but the on-board TV input and 3.5" HDD expandability are what I'm thinking could set it over the top for alot less than anything comparable in performance.
1 - Upgrade the hard drive. 500GB or 1TB 3.5 drives have been installed in these things with little headaches. Any input on the hard drive upgrade?
2 - Full OSX Tiger. This would allow a plethora of things, like basic web browsing, but the main trick up my sleeve is...
3 - MESS and MAME emulators. With the large amount of space, I'd be able to keep my roms on the AppleTV and use either USB controllers or BT ps3 controllers (it's been done apparently, not alot of concrete tutorials though), to play through my old school collection. I believe most games should run alright even with the 256MB RAM limit in the AppleTV.
4 - Original AppleTV functionality. From what I hear, it's more than possible to install the original AppleTV software within OSX, meaning you wouldn't lose functionality. If not, I suppose there's FrontRow.
I'm curious how the overall performance will be with 256MB of RAM, but then again, oh my old 1.4GHZ Athlon running XP with only 256MB of RAM all these things ran fine, so I'd expect no less from OSX.
Thoughts? This thing would be a PERFECT media server/sofatop web browser, it's the emulation charictaristics I'm really shooting for. I know I COULD just do a mac mini, but the on-board TV input and 3.5" HDD expandability are what I'm thinking could set it over the top for alot less than anything comparable in performance.