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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 11, 2009
St. Louis, MO
So, quick question. I'm sure other people have the same "gripe" about this issue than I but I'm wondering how they solved it. My biggest issue right now with my Apple TV is that I have to have the content stored on both my MacBook and my Apple TV. My Apple TV is about 144GB and my Macbook has ~240GB. So if I can use that 144 for media and leave my MacBook's hard drive open for other things, that would be ideal for me. Music I'm not so much worried about but the Movies and TV shows are media that I would like just on the Apple TV and not on my MacBook considering the size. Is there a "hack" or a way that I can have my Apple TV host the content instead of my MacBook?


Also, I have a lot of "Popcorn" content that I use my MacBook to generate then I need to get it over to the Apple TV. I'd like to be able to sync it with the Apple TV then remove it from my MacBook and have it stay on my Apple TV.

Thanks again!
Also, I have a lot of "Popcorn" content that I use my MacBook to generate then I need to get it over to the Apple TV. I'd like to be able to sync it with the Apple TV then remove it from my MacBook and have it stay on my Apple TV.
There are already some threads to this topic. The easiest way is to have your film content or your entire library on an external drive. I have my lib. on a 2.5 250Gb USB Drive connected to my iMac. So I save the hard disc space for other stuff and I'm never restricted in space for my iTunes library.

There are already some threads to this topic. The easiest way is to have your film content or your entire library on an external drive. I have my lib. on a 2.5 250Gb USB Drive connected to my iMac. So I save the hard disc space for other stuff and I'm never restricted in space for my iTunes library.


Thanks! Yea I saw that but I like taking my music with me at least. I think my answer is multiple libraries. I'll keep the music on the one and the movies on the other. Thanks for the help!

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