I want to connect a Drobo; its a multi hard drive bay, then connect that to an Apple TV or a Western Digital home media device then connect that to a home theater receiver then of course connect to my TV. I want to rip my DVDs with uncompressed audio and video and full 1080p when needed to the Drobo. I also want to make my own movie information page like on iTunes. One question of mine is this movie information page would this need to go on the Apple TV or on the Drobo? What Im thinking and seeing is for me the Apple TV is an information portal for the movie information page. I would assume that the uncompressed audio and video on the Drobo would pass through the Apple TV and decode through the receiver and pass it on through to the TV.
-Drobo to hold digital copies of my DVDs
-Apple TV or Western Digital home media center to hold movie information page
I hope this makes since because what I want to do I can see it in my head just dont know if it can work.
-Drobo to hold digital copies of my DVDs
-Apple TV or Western Digital home media center to hold movie information page
I hope this makes since because what I want to do I can see it in my head just dont know if it can work.