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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 17, 2016
Apple shouldn´t have left the display business...


macrumors newbie
Feb 16, 2017
My company just got in the first LG UltraFine 5K display. I've thrown all sorts of combinations at it and at times it won't wake up USB properly or has crashed the 15" TB Mac. The display is stellar however.

Remember when you just had the humble 13" or 15" MBP then got the 27" Cinema and/or Thunderbolt display? It was tough to go back to your MBP. Then the Retina displays came out. Even though the Thunderbolt had the bigger screen and resolution it's not as nice as the Retina. Now we have the 5K LG displays and it's the same as the Retina as far as quality and much better than the Thunderbolt displays. Granted there was the iMac the past few years but most users that use Thunderbolts have a Mac laptop that they detach during the day.
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