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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 26, 2022
I have spectrum mobile service and purchased and Apple Watch 7. I was able activate and use my watch for about 1 month, then I started having issues. Without any warning both devices would stop ringing and if someone called me it would go directly to voicemail and the phone did not even show a missed call. On occasion the phone call would show up on my phone but in the notification it would show user busy and I could not answer the call. The Apple Watch would not receive a notification or ring either.
The solution would be to unpair the Watch and then re-pair again, all would work typically for a few days and then boom same problem again.
All settings checked, focus, call block, etc.
Called Apple support multiple times, spectrum support, and finally got an appointment at Best Buy and they sent Watch in for replacement.
Now I would think this would be a solution.
My boyfriend recently purchased his own Apple Watch 7 and after 3 weeks is having the same issue.
Is this just a coincidence or anyone else with spectrum experiencing the same issue?
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