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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 29, 2020
It's no surprise that the Apple Watch sleep tracking functionality isn't as good as other devices you put underneath your bed and that the watch isn't a convenient device for sleeptracking given the weak battery life.

So, if this is the case, why is apple still trying to integrate sleep features into the watch? The beddit isn't really cutting it either. Will we ever see functional and accurate sleeptracking from the watch or do we have to buy different hardware to place underneath the bed?

Asking because I am looking to buy a new bed and looking at options which have sleeptrackers integrated into bases.


macrumors regular
Nov 9, 2017
This is a good question, I feel they will most likely scoop up 'Sleepwatch' or similar then integrate that into their default sleep app. Similarly to how Apple purchased the Dark Sky weather app, if you can't beat them ?

Makes sense and in turn we hopefully get better default sleep data from our watches without turning to a third party app.

Battery life if you only have one watch could be an issue although topping up whilst you have a shower should do the job. I tend to use my old Series 3 for sleep tracking now which gets around that problem.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 29, 2020
why not just integrate deeply with a mattress company? what about something really futuristic like a partnership with sleepnumber or tempurpedic or eightsleep where the smart tech on the mattress directly sends sleep data to apple health (and perhaps integrates with apple fitness+ when it comes out)? what about integrating these smart adjustable bases (which connect to wifi anyway) with homekit? all of these companies have tens of thousands (millions?) of sleepers using their embedded trackers already. why wouldn't apple just build off that installed base? as smart base technology gets cheaper, it's not inconceivable to think that the vast majority of beds sold have that tech built in.

Bigger picture -- is apple's product portfolio well positioned to get accurate sleep data? In the past, Apple's been pretty smart about working with companies like nike and fullpower and it has served them pretty well - my sense is that they should do the same for sleep, but what do you think?
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macrumors 68000
May 18, 2017
Austin, TX
Ask Sleepnumber or Tempurpedic or Eightsleep why they haven't integrated their own tech with Apple Health yet. Others, such as Fitbit or Xiaomi, have done so many years ago so there must be a reason. I get fairly good sleep data with full Apple Health integration from my $20 Xiaomi Mi Band 2.

Apple's business model isn't about teaming up with others to build off that installed base. Apple is all about reinventing the wheel over and over again, and then presenting it in a fashion that has you convinced it's the best wheel since the invention of the wheel. Apple is all about selling you stuff that you didn't even know you wanted (re: wanted, not needed).
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