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Peter Fenyvesi

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 9, 2020

I got an Apple Watch series 5, from my relatives in the past days, to help them out with the problem of instant glue..
The girl worked with some glue in a dental technician laboratory, but somehow some instant glue spilled onto the watch.
She realized it on the next day, Apple store didn't helped in anything, they said she have to use it now with that band only.
(The watch works perfectly, and you can barely even see the glue on it, but you can't swap the band out.)

Is there any idea how can i remove the band without damaging the Watch? (The band could be damaged, but the watch should stay in great condition.)


Peter Fenyvesi

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 9, 2020
As you said anything hard/sharp/etc could have harmed the watch case, so I decided to ruin 3 of my finger nails and tried to push them between the case and the band. Surprise: it did work! I pushed really hard, while holding the “band eject button” down, and suddenly after 15-20 tries in both direction, the band popped out! Both the watch and the band is usable, with a little residue cleaning!
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