As everyone can see from ifixit tear up pictures, the historical optical drive takes a lot of space inside a modern Apple notebook.
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Even as an option Apple could allow to drop off the optical drive from it's notebooks, and expand the batterypack to the room which was used by the drive - result as a double or even a triple the batterylife.
Has anyone done this as a diy aftermarket mod? Should be possible to replace the battery with a bigger one, at least if the inside charging logic is willing to charge a bigger batterypack?
Any ideas? At least i haven't used my MacBooks optical drive for a year or two, and would really appreciate a true state-of-the-art mobile computer with a whole day lasting battery life.
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Even as an option Apple could allow to drop off the optical drive from it's notebooks, and expand the batterypack to the room which was used by the drive - result as a double or even a triple the batterylife.
Has anyone done this as a diy aftermarket mod? Should be possible to replace the battery with a bigger one, at least if the inside charging logic is willing to charge a bigger batterypack?
Any ideas? At least i haven't used my MacBooks optical drive for a year or two, and would really appreciate a true state-of-the-art mobile computer with a whole day lasting battery life.