The problem in not Apple's, it's LG's. I'm sure Apple has put some pressure on LG to make better screens because Apple is losing A LOT money because of returns.
It's not a small problem as they haven't found a solution for it yet but Apple (though it might be from LG's wallet) is paying 300$ for customer who returns a defective iMac, that's very abnormal.
It's not acceptable. You can go and buy 100$ display which doesn't have these problems and when you're buying a $2k computer, you don't want it to be defective.
I wouldnt let apple off the line so quickly... its is still their choice on who supplies the panel. Same reason why toyota is getting crap for a part they probably sourced from another company.
LG and Apple BOTH need to work on addressing the issue but because the end product is sold as an apple product, they will get all of the heat, which inho is how it should be anyway. They put their name on the product, they should stick up for it, not pansy out and blame it on some 3rd party source.
Same thing with people blaming it on chinese factories... Apple chose to go cheap and manufacture in China.... end result is, it is still apple's fault on ALL counts.
sorry cant you just calibrate the colour in the display settings?
It is not the entire screen, it is an irregularity in the panel. Adjusting the tint to correct the yellow will make the non effected parts most likely blueish.
It's like baking a cake...
If after baking the cake, you find out that 90% of the cake is backed to perfection but there are spots that are still undercooked... If you throw it back into the oven to finish cooking the uncooked parts, the rest of the cake will be overcooked. The only way to solve the cake issue would be to cut out those uncooked sections or start with a fresh batch and re-bake it in an oven that works evenly.
I have a problem similar to yellow tint imacs: my Audi convertible doesn't handle offroad terrain nor desert dunes very well. Should Audi should fix this $40K car?
that has got to be the dumbest comparison ever. As someone else already mentioned, the iMac is advertised as having the ultimate display, and thats a crucial part to the whole system.
Now if your audi convertible had a problem where the roof could only open a little, that would be more like the imac discoloration issues... wouldnt you ask audi to fix your car if the roof didnt open all the way as advertised? I mean the rest of the car works great so why complain about something as *silly* as the roof??