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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 6, 2009
Until they run out of screens and LG starts making better ones.

There is no point to bother with this any longer.

You will get a screen with some degree of yellow.

The data is just too overwhelming plus the fact that they are telling people to live with it or return it.

Plus apple states that the imac is not a Pro product and that the screen they are delivering is acceptable.
Just curious, cause I haven't been to the Apple Store lately
But do all the iMacs at the Apple Store have yellow screens?
If not, do you think they just went through all the inventory looking for good ones?

Or do you think perhaps there may be good screens out there?

Like I said, I have not been to the Apple Store to look
But I would think it would be obvious if they had yellow screens or not
My MacBook Pro 3,1 was the subject of a similar protracted set of rants here on MacRumors. Mine failed the "yellow tint" test, but I just never saw the problem in actual use, and still don't.
It is very hard to see yellow on the default wallpaper and the store lighting

It is most visible in a dark environment with white background colors.
The problem in not Apple's, it's LG's. I'm sure Apple has put some pressure on LG to make better screens because Apple is losing A LOT money because of returns.

It's not a small problem as they haven't found a solution for it yet but Apple (though it might be from LG's wallet) is paying 300$ for customer who returns a defective iMac, that's very abnormal.

It's not acceptable. You can go and buy 100$ display which doesn't have these problems and when you're buying a $2k computer, you don't want it to be defective.
My MacBook Pro 3,1 was the subject of a similar protracted set of rants here on MacRumors. Mine failed the "yellow tint" test, but I just never saw the problem in actual use, and still don't.

It is most visible in a dark environment with white background colors.

So, in other words, many customers may never even notice they have a "problem" unless they are told to look for it under special conditions?
So, in other words, many customers may never even notice they have a "problem" unless they are told to look for it under special conditions?

Yes. BUT I think it is a valid issue. Much like the negative blacks on the first rendition of the Alu MBs (before they went to MBPs) or the lines in the MB Airs.
So, in other words, many customers may never even notice they have a "problem" unless they are told to look for it under special conditions?


My buddy bought an i5 27" iMac right after launch. He loves it. Knowing what to look for, I can see that he has the dreaded "yellow tint" problem, but he has no clue and couldn't care less.

I conclude that this is yet another problem that exists in large part inside the MacRumors technobubble.
So, in other words, many customers may never even notice they have a "problem" unless they are told to look for it under special conditions?

I have a problem similar to yellow tint imacs: my Audi convertible doesn't handle offroad terrain nor desert dunes very well. Should Audi should fix this $40K car?
I have a problem similar to yellow tint imacs: my Audi convertible doesn't handle offroad terrain nor desert dunes very well. Should Audi should fix this $40K car?

That's not similar at all. Audi doesn't claim that their convertible is the ultimate offroad terrain and desert dune vehicle, whereas Apple claims the iMac has the ultimate display.

My buddy bought an i5 27" iMac right after launch. He loves it. Knowing what to look for, I can see that he has the dreaded "yellow tint" problem, but he has no clue and couldn't care less.

I conclude that this is yet another problem that exists in large part inside the MacRumors technobubble.

I wonder how many people have this problem and don't even realize it. Did u tell your buddy?
I wonder how many people have this problem and don't even realize it. Did u tell your buddy?

"If a tree falls in the woods..."

Is it really a problem (for you) if you don't even know you have it?

I can see both sides
Yes, you should expect quality from a device you spend $$$ on
But if you don't even know it and have to look for it under special circumstances, is it a problem for you

I realize there are some that are obvious problems
I also realize some customers are more discriminating than others

What I don't understand is evangelists who are on a mission to create dissatisfaction among users who otherwise are perfectly happy

In one thread I was told to take my iPhone out into the most direct sunlight I could find and stare at my screen at an angle and I would most likely see two or three specs of dust under the screen. WTF? Who does that? My iPhone lives in my pocket full of dust and lint and God knows what else. But I digress.
I wonder how many people have this problem and don't even realize it. Did u tell your buddy?
Nah. He's happy with the machine, and besides, I don't believe it's a significant problem. Now, if it was flickering, that would be different, but the yellow tint on his iMac just isn't a big deal.
I have a problem similar to yellow tint imacs: my Audi convertible doesn't handle offroad terrain nor desert dunes very well. Should Audi should fix this $40K car?

Was your convertible described specifically as going off-road before you bought it? Because Apple specifically sells the new iMac as having a new high end IPS screen offering "superb color consistency." This is the sort of analogy only an Apple apologist would offer - doesn't matter if their marketing specifically addresses the subject, it's Apple, so any problem you have is just you and your unrealistic expectations!
I have a problem similar to yellow tint imacs: my Audi convertible doesn't handle offroad terrain nor desert dunes very well. Should Audi should fix this $40K car?

What a ridiculous analogy. Was your Audi convertible advertised as an offroad terrain or desert dunes vehicle? Did you purchase it thinking it would be even slightly decent in either role. If so, you are a moron. It clearly was not designed to do either.

Conversely, the iMac screen, or any screen for that matter, is designed to accurately represent electronic images and media in a realistic and true manner. Some do better at that job than others, but since Apple touted the iMac screen as "the ultimate display" with IPS technology (enticing to graphic design and photography editing users) one should expect the iMac to be free from defects that inhibit the screen's ability to render images and media in a realistic and true manner. You certainly wouldn't expect flickering screens or screens that look like a dog has marked it.

Something tells me that if your Audi had some defect that affected its design purpose (i.e., driving on paved roads), such as slightly pulling to the right or left as you drive, your headlights flickered occasionally, or even that the car's display was a nasty pee color for some strange reason, you would be on the phone with your dealer faster than it took me to write this post. Maybe you don't do graphic design or even casually use CS4 for photo editing. Maybe you don't care that your screen cannot be properly calibrated and has yellowing in areas. That doesn't mean that Apple didn't design the iMac screens to be color consistent, easily calibrated, friendly to photo and graphics editors, and certainly yellow free.
The problem in not Apple's, it's LG's. I'm sure Apple has put some pressure on LG to make better screens because Apple is losing A LOT money because of returns.

It's not a small problem as they haven't found a solution for it yet but Apple (though it might be from LG's wallet) is paying 300$ for customer who returns a defective iMac, that's very abnormal.

It's not acceptable. You can go and buy 100$ display which doesn't have these problems and when you're buying a $2k computer, you don't want it to be defective.

I wouldnt let apple off the line so quickly... its is still their choice on who supplies the panel. Same reason why toyota is getting crap for a part they probably sourced from another company.

LG and Apple BOTH need to work on addressing the issue but because the end product is sold as an apple product, they will get all of the heat, which inho is how it should be anyway. They put their name on the product, they should stick up for it, not pansy out and blame it on some 3rd party source.

Same thing with people blaming it on chinese factories... Apple chose to go cheap and manufacture in China.... end result is, it is still apple's fault on ALL counts.

sorry cant you just calibrate the colour in the display settings?

It is not the entire screen, it is an irregularity in the panel. Adjusting the tint to correct the yellow will make the non effected parts most likely blueish.

It's like baking a cake...

If after baking the cake, you find out that 90% of the cake is backed to perfection but there are spots that are still undercooked... If you throw it back into the oven to finish cooking the uncooked parts, the rest of the cake will be overcooked. The only way to solve the cake issue would be to cut out those uncooked sections or start with a fresh batch and re-bake it in an oven that works evenly.

I have a problem similar to yellow tint imacs: my Audi convertible doesn't handle offroad terrain nor desert dunes very well. Should Audi should fix this $40K car?

that has got to be the dumbest comparison ever. As someone else already mentioned, the iMac is advertised as having the ultimate display, and thats a crucial part to the whole system.

Now if your audi convertible had a problem where the roof could only open a little, that would be more like the imac discoloration issues... wouldnt you ask audi to fix your car if the roof didnt open all the way as advertised? I mean the rest of the car works great so why complain about something as *silly* as the roof?? :rolleyes:
Assuming the Audi has quattro, it's a legit arguement :cool:

no, its not. My car has the "s" badge on it... does it mean that its faster then every other car out there? no! However, if my car was slower, less sporty, etc then compared to its non "s" counterpart, then there would be some issues.

Audi quattro does not claim to make it an offroad vehicle. Apple DOES make the claim that it has the ultimate display.
So, in other words, many customers may never even notice they have a "problem" unless they are told to look for it under special conditions?

Yeah kinda' like Toyota not telling customers their cars may have a problem and they may die because they drive a Toyota. Sure it's not as severe, but it's still a flaw a company knows about but hopes the unsuspecting, unadvised consumer does find out.
Yeah kinda' like Toyota not telling customers their cars may have a problem and they may die because they drive a Toyota. Sure it's not as severe, but it's still a flaw a company knows about but hopes the unsuspecting, unadvised consumer does find out.

You have either severely trivialized the Toyota recall
or completely over dramatized the iMac yellow screen
yeah... both
Don't forget that the yellow tinge comes in a wide range of severity: from hardly noticeable to very obvious. From a very small area of the screen to more than half of the screen.
It is very hard to see yellow on the default wallpaper and the store lighting

It is most visible in a dark environment with white background colors.

...and wearing yellow tinted glasses...

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