ferretboy said:
Are laptops not made very well. My desktops are fine without it.
I agree that with laptops, an extended warranty program is worthwhile, but not because the laptops are not well-constructed.
Rather, there are 2 other factors to consider:
1) The extra abuse your laptop compared to your desktop, as it will travel with you and be subject to extra wear-and-tear
2) With the miniaturization needed to get everything into your laptop, it makes repairs more costly compared to a desktop.
I think if you search the forums here, you will find people who swear by buying AppleCare for their laptops as well as those who say they have never bought it and are happy with that decision.
Ultimately, it is essentially an insurance policy - the question is whether you want to pay up front and cover your risk, or whether you believe the risk is low enough that you are willing to take the chance. The danger with the second approach is that if you are wrong, the amount of the repair bill will likely far exceed the cost of the AppleCare.
Lastly, the other benefit of AppleCare is the 3 years of phone support, compared to 90 days without (which I think is ridiculous BTW!).
Hope that helps - best wishes!