If compusa screwed up, how would apple know? It sucks that compusa was incompetent, but this in not an applecare issue. If applecare honors a warranty because I say I bought it, they might as well give it away. The guy should go back on compusa. Even with that, if he bought the warranty, he should have gotten paperwork with it.
Here's an analogy. I just bought a toyota van from a used car dealer. He sold me a toyota extended warranty. He didn't register the warranty and I lost the paperwork. Do you seriously think Toyota will honor the warranty on my say so?
Except that in this case, compusa didn't sell him the warranty -
apple did via a marketing email. Apple got his email address when he
registered his ipod, which is how they knew when the original warranty ran out.
Did you join MR to support the forums, or just to announce this site and attempt to gain support for it? Join date Dec 29th, eight posts, and all of them here about Apple Care.
I only wanted to let people know that if they did purchase applecare they need to "activate" it, and not to run techtools (at least not without calling first) and that if they encountered a problem there was a place to register that problem. Gain support? It is there to support the users, I have no financial interest or axe to grind, it only is costing me time and money.
Sometimes, you do things just to help others.
So, I joined to help support the apple users.
If a moderator wants to edit my post(s) to say it better - great.
The rest of the posts are responses. I am not try to rant, believe me that is the last thing I want to do, but when someone makes a post that questions something, I responded with what I know of the policies.
Time will tell if it is a problem or not, based upon people that access the site. If it isn't, then the site will just sit there. But maybe, if someone posts a problem about applecare, this forum can direct them to the site, and
maybe apple will change thier polices, if only on an exception basis.
I wanted to clarify that my posts in no way reflect the support staff at applecare, they did their best given the policies they had to follow, they were professional and helpful.