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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 4, 2006
1)what is applecare?
2)itis like warranty for 3 years?
3) if yes(about question 2) the warranty(applecare) include all the contries?(the mean is i can use the warrantly in usa also france and spain and uk)-->the warrantly is international warrantly?
4)if yes about question 3 , if i will buy imac that havenot international warrantly and will buy with the imac apllecare so my applecaere include (Be caught) in my contry?
AppleCare is the purchaseable extended warranty from Apple it extends your standard warranty by two years and yes its now global and can be used anywhere
KfackC said:

I'm not sure what your question is. If you're asking:

"If I buy an iMac in one country, without Applecare; and then buy Applecare in another country - can I use that Applecare with my iMac?"

Then I think the answer is yes. Though I'm not 100% sure on that - somebody else should confirm.

Also, if you do buy Applecare - be sure to register it within 12 months - or it'll be too late.

Applecare for desktops are only valid in the country your purchase it in, regardless of where you buy the computer itself.

Applecare for desktops is an international warranty, valid wherever you and your laptop happen to be (I'd assume SOME countries aren't covered).
ok, you are not understand my question ,my question is
if i will buy imac + applecare from one contry(like Usa) ,so i can use the applcare in aother contry?
the mean is imac havenot international warrantly,so i will buy with the imac applecare , i get international warrantly for 3 years?
Normal warranty is international. Applecare will only extend the normal warranty...which is already international and should include your country.

KfackC said:
ok, you are not understand my question ,my question is
if i will buy imac + applecare from one contry(like Usa) ,so i can use the applcare in aother contry?
the mean is imac havenot international warrantly,so i will buy with the imac applecare , i get international warrantly for 3 years?

I already answered it for you. Applecare is ONLY valid in the place you buy it in (for desktops). So, if you buy an iMac AND applecare in the US, then move to UK, you would be covered by the AMERICAN applecare and be subject to some hefty shipping prices.

So, if you live in a country where your currency is worth more than the US (UK, for example), you will have the best results buying the iMac during your trip to the US and then buying Applecare once you get back in the UK.

This is because of each country's different rules and regulations regarding warranties. Laptop applecare is international because it's expected you would travel with it, desktops are not.

Make sense?
yes,The problem is that i dont come from uk
have in anywhere (in the internet)/apple site information about the list of contries like uk(that have international warranty )...

in my contry , have international warranty about leptop and ipod, and IMAC/macpro/etc have not international warranty but i dont know if after bought applecore i get a international warranty...:rolleyes:

KfackC said:
yes,The problem is that i dont come from uk
have in anywhere (in the internet)/apple site information about the list of contries like uk(that have international warranty )...

in my contry , have international warranty about leptop and ipod, and IMAC/macpro/etc have not international warranty but i dont know if after bought applecore i get a international warranty...:rolleyes:

Feel free to insert ANY OTHER COUNTRY besides the UK. It doesn't just apply to the UK and the US, I was using the UK as an EXAMPLE.

Here is the deal.


So, this means if I buy an iMac, a Mac Mini or a Mac Pro in Thailand, then I go to Canada, buy applecare, and then come home to the US, any applecare claims would be through the Canadian Applecare system, not the US. If I happen to buy a desktop in Australia, purchase Applecare in Zimbabwe and then come home to the US, any claims would be through the Zimbabwe system.

For the love of God please tell me that makes sense.
appleretailguy said:
I already answered it for you. Applecare is ONLY valid in the place you buy it in (for desktops).

appleretailguy said:
There is NO APPLECARE INTERNATIONAL WARRANTY for Apple desktops, period

Incorrect, the warranty is valid globally for both desktops and laptops. This change happened recently.
appleretailguy said:
For the love of God please tell me that makes sense.

That makes sense.

Except you're wrong.

AppleCare for desktops that are purchased in the United States is also valid in Canada. And vice versa. That's according to the AppleCare TOS:

Granted, that is the TOS for AppleCare in the United States and Canada only, but the terms may be similar, for instance, for countries in the EU. (Or maybe not. I'll let somebody else look up the TOS for that region.)

daneoni said:
Incorrect the warranty is valid globally for both desktops and laptops. This change happened recently

If you're right (and I hope/assume you are), that would rock.

I did USE TO work for Apple Retail, so I am basing all my reponses on data that MIGHT be a little out of date.

If I'm wrong, great, if not, well...

The above poster is also right about the Canada/USA thing. My bad.
I'm wrong...

and I apologize. My knowledge was based on outdated information.

Applecare is now worldwide for all Apple computers, but certain repairs MIGHT only be PERFORMED in the US or Canada.

I suppose I should have read the latest Applecare documents.

So, to end a full day of nitpicking, your Apple computer is covered, period.
I think the OP's question is simply can he buy AppleCare from say the US and use it in Kazakhstan and the answer is...yes
appleretailguy said:
Feel free to insert ANY OTHER COUNTRY besides the UK. It doesn't just apply to the UK and the US, I was using the UK as an EXAMPLE.

Here is the deal.


So, this means if I buy an iMac, a Mac Mini or a Mac Pro in Thailand, then I go to Canada, buy applecare, and then come home to the US, any applecare claims would be through the Canadian Applecare system, not the US. If I happen to buy a desktop in Australia, purchase Applecare in Zimbabwe and then come home to the US, any claims would be through the Zimbabwe system.

For the love of God please tell me that makes sense.

ok,i understand,
but 2 things,
1)the mean is i will buy imac+applecore in usa (no how you say that i purchase in 2 diffrent contries...)
2)ok,according what were you writing is mean that if i will buy the desktop
in usa and come to spain and buy applecare i can uses in spain?
KfackC said:
ok,i understand,
but 2 things,
1)the mean is i will buy imac+applecore in usa (no how you say that i purchase in 2 diffrent contries...)
2)ok,according what were you writing is mean that if i will buy the desktop
in usa and come to spain and buy applecare i can uses in spain?

However, all this now begs the question: Can you purchase AppleCare in a country other than that in which you purchased the product for which you wish to extend the warranty?

For instance, I buy all my Apple products in Japan. But AppleCare is available at a much better price in the United States (from LA Computer Company, anyway) than in Japan. (Almost HALF the price, in fact!)

So, can I buy AppleCare in the U.S. for the MacBook I bought in Japan?

The TOS I cited above (which may be outdated, but it's the one posted on the Apple site) doesn't seem clear on this issue.

(I'd call Apple Japan about this, but I'm sure they'd say "no," even if that's not the correct answer.)
japanime said:
However, all this now begs the question: Can you purchase AppleCare in a country other than that in which you purchased the product for which you wish to extend the warranty?

For instance, I buy all my Apple products in Japan. But AppleCare is available at a much better price in the United States (from LA Computer Company, anyway) than in Japan. (Almost HALF the price, in fact!)

So, can I buy AppleCare in the U.S. for the MacBook I bought in Japan?

The TOS I cited above (which may be outdated, but it's the one posted on the Apple site) doesn't seem clear on this issue.

(I'd call Apple Japan about this, but I'm sure they'd say "no," even if that's not the correct answer.)

Yes again!, you can buy AppleCare from any country.
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