1)what is applecare?
2)itis like warranty for 3 years?
3) if yes(about question 2) the warranty(applecare) include all the contries?(the mean is i can use the warrantly in usa also france and spain and uk)-->the warrantly is international warrantly?
4)if yes about question 3 , if i will buy imac that havenot international warrantly and will buy with the imac apllecare so my applecaere include (Be caught) in my contry?
1)what is applecare?
2)itis like warranty for 3 years?
3) if yes(about question 2) the warranty(applecare) include all the contries?(the mean is i can use the warrantly in usa also france and spain and uk)-->the warrantly is international warrantly?
4)if yes about question 3 , if i will buy imac that havenot international warrantly and will buy with the imac apllecare so my applecaere include (Be caught) in my contry?