I agree 100%. Years ago, after Microsoft signed the agreement with Apple, many naïve people started to think that MS was finally doing someting "good", something that was more than just making money and gathering power wherever possible. But MS never did more than that, they are just too bad. Today it's very clear why they did it:
- DRM will be standard in office (like it is for ripping CDs in wma) and you WILL need their products to be compatible with their "de facto" standard.
- If somebody dares to make an office suite that is better than theirs, they'll drop their own, resulting in people dropping the operating system because it doesn't support the "standard" any more
But their strategy is not flawless. They did the test with IE, and guess what: it didn't work out. In fact most poeple have had no problems emigrating to Safari, impessive since IE was until very late the standard browser for Mac OS.
In many other branches one can see that they are starting to loose their market share: goverment, (open)office, the whole afraid-of-virusses-market, ... One of the main reason for this loss in market share is because companies that survived Microsoft have been developing stategies against them as a result of their agressive attempts of monopolisation. Apple is the golden example of such company, along with IBM, SUN, and some "new" linux companies like RedHat.
Yet, meanwhile MS engineers have become so lazy of never making anything right and always having to trust in the marketing that they may not survive the next counterattack of office developers (OOo v2 and maybe Apple's Office). And to make things worse for them they will have an office format that is compatible with nothing, unless their own latest latest office version. This is all acompanied with attacks from other branches, I'm thinking of the new browser wars, and the very recent virus wars.
I hope we will see a "Safari scenario" for their next office version so that more people start to drop Microsoft for something better (=~ anything else).