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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 27, 2006
Washington D.C.
Why does Apple only offer computers with 64MB of video Ram when most PC manufacturers offer a minimum of 128 and upgradeable to 256 or even 512. Isn't the whole purpose of building a "better" machine for videos, photos, and gaming (Apples apparent mantra) to include the best hardware support for those functions.

Can anyone explain?

umdjb said:
I was referring to previous macs like powerbook line.
iPhoto only needs Quartz Extreme. I have a GeForce 2 MX with 32 MB in an iMac G4. iPhoto 6 flies on that 4 year old machine. Quartz Extreme is an integral component for OS X and most pro applications. The video RAM is secondary. As long as you have a Radeon or a GeForce 2 you're set.
Ha.... wait till the Power Macs get the Intels inside...

I bet we can use any PC grfx card in them, as long as Apple has a driver...
umdjb said:
Why does Apple only offer computers with 64MB of video Ram when most PC manufacturers offer a minimum of 128 and upgradeable to 256 or even 512. Isn't the whole purpose of building a "better" machine for videos, photos, and gaming (Apples apparent mantra) to include the best hardware support for those functions.

Can anyone explain?

It forces you to buy a new machine sooner.:) or It makes you opt for a Pro Model to have middle grade graphics.:) There I explained it.
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