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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 25, 2013
So I want to make a complex dialog with text + variable but I cant figure it out:(

if possibility is equal to "You find something" then
		set actionsomething to display dialog "What now?" buttons {"Examine", "Nothing"}
		set actionsomething to button returned of actionsomething
		if actionsomething is equal to "Examine" then
			set actionexamine to some item of {"Gold", "Strange Object"}
			if actionexamine is equal to "Gold" then
				set amount to random number from 1 to 100
				display dialog "You found" and amount and "Gold"
Your code snippet seems to be missing a few lines - each multiple line if statement needs to be balanced with an end if.

The and keyword is a boolean operator - the string concatenation operator is the ampersand (&), so your statement would be something like:

display dialog "You found " & amount & " Gold"
Thanks for the help, the missing end ifs are just me forgetting to copy them
display dialog doesn't return text. This works:

if possibility is equal to "You find something" then
	set actionsomething to button returned of (display dialog "What now?" buttons {"Examine", "Nothing"})
end if
if actionsomething is equal to "Examine" then
	set actionexamine to some item of {"Gold", "Strange Object"}
end if

if actionexamine is equal to "Gold" then
	set amount to random number from 1 to 100
	display dialog "You found " & amount & " Gold"
end if
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