Hey, ive made a probably incorrect bash script as i am a bash newbie
#! /bin/bash
echo -n "Filename?"
read -e FILE
echo -n "Say?"
read -e WORDS
say -v Victoria -o "~/Desktop/$FILE.aiff" "$WORDS"
echo File saved to Desktop as $FILE.aiff
Now the idea as I see it, as I understand from glaringly confusing help sites on the interweb is that the script -
1) ask the filename you want,
2) assigns that to the variable FILE
3)then asks what you would like Vicky to say
4 ) Assigns that to the variable WORDS
5) then types into the terminal the command id like,
I need to use this for some production work im doing and it is ruddy annoying having to do all the commands over and over for each line i need to make.
so is this anywhere near correct, and also how the hell do i make it an app i can just click on in finder pops up does it business then dissappears?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. And please, dont say use the search, i have tried and the more i read up the more confused i get about bash on mac.
#! /bin/bash
echo -n "Filename?"
read -e FILE
echo -n "Say?"
read -e WORDS
say -v Victoria -o "~/Desktop/$FILE.aiff" "$WORDS"
echo File saved to Desktop as $FILE.aiff
Now the idea as I see it, as I understand from glaringly confusing help sites on the interweb is that the script -
1) ask the filename you want,
2) assigns that to the variable FILE
3)then asks what you would like Vicky to say
4 ) Assigns that to the variable WORDS
5) then types into the terminal the command id like,
I need to use this for some production work im doing and it is ruddy annoying having to do all the commands over and over for each line i need to make.
so is this anywhere near correct, and also how the hell do i make it an app i can just click on in finder pops up does it business then dissappears?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. And please, dont say use the search, i have tried and the more i read up the more confused i get about bash on mac.