I have some limited experience in other languages (Java, Matlab) but have not used applescript until now.
I am trying to make a small program that will create several spaced out events in Calendar however when I run it no calendar event is made but no error is shown. Does anyone have any suggestions on making it work? I have not been able find a similar solution anywhere.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to make a small program that will create several spaced out events in Calendar however when I run it no calendar event is made but no error is shown. Does anyone have any suggestions on making it work? I have not been able find a similar solution anywhere.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
set currentDate to current date
set currentDateString to short date string of currentDate
-- Information collection
display dialog "Enter Lecture Name" with title "Create New Study Set" default answer ""
set lectureName to text returned of result
display dialog "Enter Date Lecture Watched" with title "Create New Study Set" default answer currentDateString
set inputDateString to text returned of result
-- Convert dateEnteredString to date
if inputDateString is not "" then
set inputDate to date inputDateString
end if
on error
display dialog "Enter Date Lecture Watched
Please enter date in format DD/MM/YY" with title "Create New Study Set" default answer currentDateString
end try
-- Timeframes
set notesTF to 5
set objecTF to 2
set rev1TF to 7
set rev2TF to 14
set rev3TF to 21
set rev4TF to 30
-- Dates
-- Notes and Objective from input date
set notesD to (inputDate + notesTF * days)
set objecD to (inputDate + objecTF * days)
return notesD
set rev1D to (notesD + rev1TF * days)
set rev2D to (rev1D + rev2TF * days)
set rev3D to (rev2D + rev3TF * days)
set rev4D to (rev3D + rev4TF * days)
-- Notes Event
tell application "Calendar"
tell calendar Study
make new event at end with properties {summary:"Notes Test", allday event:true, start date:notesD, end date:notesD}
end tell
reload calendars
end tell