Okay i'll give the problem strait out.
AppleScript isn't finding my apps when i type a directory. Even if I check it, and get the one that TechSmith has made. Well, the script I typed was:
tell application "Finder"
if exists application "ScriptApp Soggymass.app" of folder "Desktop" of folder "Ryan" of folder "Users"
of startup disk then
display dialog "It Exists"
display dialog "No it doesn't"
end if
end tell
I have ScriptApp Soggymass.app on my desktop, but I always end up getting the dialog "No it doesn't". Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem that AppleScript can't find my folders; files or apps?!?!?!?!?!?!?
macrumors newbie
AppleScript isn't finding my apps when i type a directory. Even if I check it, and get the one that TechSmith has made. Well, the script I typed was:
tell application "Finder"
if exists application "ScriptApp Soggymass.app" of folder "Desktop" of folder "Ryan" of folder "Users"
of startup disk then
display dialog "It Exists"
display dialog "No it doesn't"
end if
end tell
I have ScriptApp Soggymass.app on my desktop, but I always end up getting the dialog "No it doesn't". Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem that AppleScript can't find my folders; files or apps?!?!?!?!?!?!?
macrumors newbie