Here's the deal. I have a bunch of photos that I have imported and exported out of iPhoto which changed their "created date" in the Finder. However, their "capture date" is still the same in the EXIF data. I would like a quick AppleScript application that will update all of the "created dates" to match the "capture date".
I have found all of the AppleScript pieces, I just don't know any AppleScript to put them together.
For example, I found this piece of code that will change a file's "created date", so I know it can be done in AppleScript:
I also have iMagine Photo installed, which can read EXIF data into AppleScript. (Here is their first help page, which is I am sure all you will need.)
I can tell AppleScript to read the EXIF data, and I can tell AppleScript to change a file's "creation date", I just don't know how to translate the information from one to the other. Can anyone help? Thanks a bunch!
I have found all of the AppleScript pieces, I just don't know any AppleScript to put them together.
For example, I found this piece of code that will change a file's "created date", so I know it can be done in AppleScript:
on open files_
display dialog "enter the new creation date in format YYYYMMDDhhmm ex: 200112251730:" default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"}
copy the result as list to {the new_creation_date, the button_pressed}
repeat with file_ in files_
tell application "Finder"
set file_ to POSIX path of file_
do shell script "touch -t " & new_creation_date & " " & quoted form of file_
end tell
end repeat
end open
I also have iMagine Photo installed, which can read EXIF data into AppleScript. (Here is their first help page, which is I am sure all you will need.)
I can tell AppleScript to read the EXIF data, and I can tell AppleScript to change a file's "creation date", I just don't know how to translate the information from one to the other. Can anyone help? Thanks a bunch!