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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 26, 2009
So I made this application to remove a known virus that comes with a cracked version of photoshop CS4, I personally don't have the virus myself. I was just making this tool based on integos press release.

Anyway I think my error is in the very first try, when it follows the error line down to the ok (quit) button, but the app continues t execute script further down causing unwanted dialogs

I would much appreciate any help on this concern, since this is my very first applescript! :)

Thank you! :)

set return_value to display dialog "Removing virus" with icon caution buttons {"Do it!", "No don't!", "Check manually"} default button 1 with title "Virus Remover"

set answer to button returned of return_value

if answer = "Do it!" then
			do shell script "rm /var/tmp/tmp.*" with administrator privileges
		on error
				do shell script "rm /usr/bin/DivX*" with administrator privileges
			on error
					do shell script "rm /System/Library/Startupitems/DivX*" with administrator privileges
				on error
					set return_value to display dialog "No virus found in subsequent directories!" with icon 2 buttons {"Ok"} default button 1 with title "Good!"
					set answer to button returned of return_value
					if answer = "Ok" then
					end if
				end try
			end try
		end try
			do shell script "rm /usr/bin/DivX*" with administrator privileges
		on error
				do shell script "rm /System/Library/Startupitems/DivX*" with administrator privileges
			on error
				set return_value to display dialog "Virus found and deleted in /var/tmp/ but none in subsequent directories" with icon 2 buttons {"Ok"} default button 1 with title "Partial success"
				set answer to button returned of return_value
				if answer = "Ok" then
				end if
			end try
		end try
			do shell script "rm /System/Library/Startupitems/DivX*" with administrator privileges
		on error
			set return_value to display dialog "virus found and deleted in /var/tmp/ and /usr/bin but none in subsequent folders" with icon 2 buttons {"Ok"} default button 1 with title "Partial success"
			set answer to button returned of return_value
			if answer = "Ok" then
			end if
		end try
	on error
		set return_value to display dialog "Virus found and deleted in /var/tmp/, /usr/bin and /System/Library/Startupitems, you are safe for now!..." buttons {"Ok"} default button 1 with title "Success"
		set answer to button returned of return_value
		if answer = "Ok" then
		end if
	end try
else if answer = "Check manually" then
	do shell script "open /var/tmp"
	do shell script "open /usr/bin"
	do shell script "open /System/Library/Startupitems"
	set return_value to display dialog "In the folder /var/tmp/ the virus is an Unix executable (.exec) which name starts with tmp. then something random like: 0.4hs82h. In /usr/bin and /System/Library/Startupitems it is called 'DivX' that's sadly all I know" buttons {"Ok", "More Information"} default button 1 with title "Info"
	set answer to button returned of return_value
	if answer = "More Information" then
		tell application "Safari"
			open location ""
		end tell
	end if
end if

edit, seems you would have to copy paste it into applescript editor to view it with markup.coloring....
Using the [ code ] [ /code ] tags would help as well.

That said, it would be easier to see the code markup/colouring in Applescript Editor...

EDIT: not sure if this helps, but maybe try 'stop' instead of 'quit.

should do the same, when i run the script from the editor i get an error telling me i cant quit while its running, but that would still normally stop it...while running as an app it just continues...
You do realize there's already removal tools right? Why would you want to help pirates anyways?

yes i do and i don't care, it was simply the first thing i found that i could write an app for that wouldn't be completely useless, learning by doing so happens to be the way i learn.
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