mms said:
Can anybody recommend a good source for learning AppleScript, especially its more advanced uses?
There are some good basic AppleScripts available in the Scripting menu. Looking at those can get you started.
There's a bunch of essential info at the Apple developer site at:
At the developer site you will find some more examples, the language spec, and some guidance of where to go for more info. The references are essential so that you can look up things, but they won't help a beginner to get started much. At some level, there is almost too much information, and it is easy to get lost in it. But it has improved in the past few years.
Buried in that site is a link to 'Creating an AppleScript Studio Application'. I personally think that tutorial is way to complicated for beginners. They should have a much more tiered approach to help people get started.
For AppleScript Studio there are some good examples in the /Developer/Examples folder. Unfortunately many of those are also 'over the top' as far as I'm concerned. Many of them are very complex, and try to enforce a very strict academic programming model called MVC (Model-View-Controller). Though I am a fan of MVC, I have been studying programming for many years, and it is a good advanced concept. But for beginners, and probably even most of the target audience of AppleScript, I think it is just way too intimidating. Again, I think they have some good examples in there too, but it can be daunting for a beginner to just open one at random, see one of the real complex ones, and then just run away. I think if they grouped the examples in some way like Basic/Intermediate/Advanced, it would help with the initial impression factor.
Some of the examples are a bit easier to digest than others. Like the Archive Maker one shows a lot of features, but is pretty will structured in a way that you can learn gradually from the individual handlers, and not have to have such a broad conceptual understanding of a complex intertwined system as in the examples that utilize the MVC approach. Some of the examples are very simple, showing only how to do one thing, like how to use tables or drawers or some specific thing. I would recommend quickly looking thorough all of them and see if any 'talk to you'.
I think Apple has a history of making cool technologies like AS and not finding a good way to reach the broad target audiences with their documentation and examples. AppleScript has been around for many years, with its roots in HyperCard/HyperTalk. Most people have never even tried any AS at all, and that's really a shame. There are plenty of real basic things that almost anyone could do to help automate things and create custom solutions to their workflows.
Maybe some of the books mentioned will talk to more people. But I think Apple needs to be doing much more to get it into people's hands and minds, because few people will go out and buy a book about something they don't even know exists or think they need to know about.