I fall under the "knows just enough to be dangerous" category with regards to AppleScript and, since I went straight from SL to Mavericks, I'm fairly ignorant of the specifics of sandboxing.
I have some AppleScripts that run perfectly fine, both from AS Editor and via launchd, but they fill Console with "denying dispatch of event...because it is not entitled to send an AppleEvent to this process" errors. One script iterates through 1000+ files so it pretty much "resets" Consoles 4000 messages.
If the scripts are working as expected, should I just ignore the Console clutter?
I have some AppleScripts that run perfectly fine, both from AS Editor and via launchd, but they fill Console with "denying dispatch of event...because it is not entitled to send an AppleEvent to this process" errors. One script iterates through 1000+ files so it pretty much "resets" Consoles 4000 messages.
If the scripts are working as expected, should I just ignore the Console clutter?