Do you think appletv is a dead product?? are there any enhacements to come?
I hope not, this is a pretty neat product. I don't have one yet (emphesis on yet)...
I take you are making your assumptions that there has not been an update ina little while. There have been Three updates though since it was introduced in Jan and shipped in March. However by your assumptions than the Mac Pros are a dead product and the ipods,iMacs, MacBooks and MacBooks Pros should have all been dead products also. They all took many many months to a year to be updated. I really don't see anything it needs right now. Sure the iTunes Movie store could be nice but I dont see me using it. I have it on my Phone and never use it. Only other thing I see is Hi Def downoads and I think that really wont be as big all the way around for all customers because the space they take up. Anyway .... I dont see it being a dead product. It as had three canges in about 7 months.
I think it is an issue of to little features for to much money. People want to reduce the clutter on their entertainment center not increase it.
So Far I have a Normal LowDef TV, TiVO, Combo DVD/VHS player, CableBox, Wii, and a Converter for TV Single to FireWire... If iTV could replace the TiVo, DVD Player, and CableBox and FireWire Converter (all which could be done in only a slighly larger form factor) with the features that it already has plus HDTV support for the future at the same price or $100 more then I would gladly get one. But right now It will add to clutter that I don't want to add.