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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jan 10, 2006
I have often found mistakes on the iTunes store on the AppleTV (UK) and I usually take the time to report what it is and where. The biggest thing I have spotted is (for a good few months) there was no 'All Comedies' section in the Comedy section of the store. If you wanted to look at all the comedies on iTunes you had to do it on your computer and not the AppleTV. I emailed SJ :rolleyes: because nothing had been done about it for months even though I kept telling them it needed fixing. After emailing SJ I got a response from the iTunes support team and they subsequently thanked me for my observations, promptly fixed the problem and were kind enough to give me some iTunes giftcards.

Since then I have spotted problem after problem like 'New to own' some of the 'new to own' movies have no option to 'own' them only rent. I keep mentioning it and occasionally I get a response from the iTunes team but the fault is never fixed. Check out Waynes World 2 on the UK iTunes store. Its under new to own and has no option to buy it. :rolleyes:

There are duplicate movies all over the place (mostly Jack Black films for some reason) :confused:

I am pleased to see HD content on the UK store but the bitrate is too low and the quality isnt really HD. Its just looks 'sharper'. Thats by the by but there is a TV series I have bought series pass and I have got the first 2 episodes but 3 weeks later I am still awaiting the 3rd episode even though on TV they are already showing the 6th episode. Why the delay? You already have my money, wheres my frickin TV show? :mad: The TV show by the way is Natures Greatest Events and its available in HD :) but its not under All HD Tv shows :rolleyes: you have to manually search for it.

The AppleTV could be the best product ever conceived if Apple just took the time to look at the pile of crap product and service they currently provide. I am now so sick and tired of it that I won't be buying anything more from iTunes until the problems mentioned above are sorted and we see some signs of a LONG overdue 'big' update. If nothing is forthcoming I will be going BluRay and leaving iTunes.

Sorry needed to rant.

If you also have AppleTV iTunes problems post them here and lets hope some Apple employee has the foresight to do something about them as they are damaging the ATV reputation.
Seems they have spotted this thread :D. I have just received an email saying the latest episode is available to download. Watch it be episode 6 and not 3. :rolleyes:
Nice. Have you tried the developer's bug reporting?

Not sure if it's for iTunes store though.
Nice. Have you tried the developer's bug reporting?

Not sure if it's for iTunes store though.

I've got quite a dialogue via email with the itunes support staff in the US. They just dont seem to do much. :(
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