I'm gearing up to jailbreak my AppleTV this morning, it seems a lot of people have done so, but found no way to progress further.
Has anyone tested, yet, if a jailbreak of the AppleTV grants root filesystem access with the likes of Phonedisk?
With this access it should surely be possible to manually inject the correct scripts/files to get a working SSH/APT up and running. With access to the Cydia repositories, all command-line utilities would, in theory, work.
Edit: Ack, no afc2 support! The last hurdle to a flood gate of hackery.
Edit: afc2 support should be coming soonish, but when that'll be is anyones guess. Once this happens I'll probably be beaten to the punch- the punch being the copying of SSH/APT from either my iPhone4 or iPad (whichever decides to work) onto the Apple TV so that something can be done with it.
Has anyone tested, yet, if a jailbreak of the AppleTV grants root filesystem access with the likes of Phonedisk?
With this access it should surely be possible to manually inject the correct scripts/files to get a working SSH/APT up and running. With access to the Cydia repositories, all command-line utilities would, in theory, work.
Edit: Ack, no afc2 support! The last hurdle to a flood gate of hackery.
Edit: afc2 support should be coming soonish, but when that'll be is anyones guess. Once this happens I'll probably be beaten to the punch- the punch being the copying of SSH/APT from either my iPhone4 or iPad (whichever decides to work) onto the Apple TV so that something can be done with it.