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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 25, 2006
Something must be wrong. I just started transfering things over to the Apple TV and began with songs. So far I've transfer 5 songs in the past 5 minutes. Is it really this slow? That's crazy. 5 songs transer to my iPod in about one second. I can't even imagine how many hours it will take to transfer a full length movie. I've got my AppleTV connected wirelessly to our Aiport Extreme router and the AppleTV is showing full signal strength. The computer I'm syncing from it connected to the same Airport Extreme router via Ethernet cable.
Something must be wrong. I just started transfering things over to the Apple TV and began with songs. So far I've transfer 5 songs in the past 5 minutes. Is it really this slow? That's crazy. 5 songs transer to my iPod in about one second. I can't even imagine how many hours it will take to transfer a full length movie. I've got my AppleTV connected wirelessly to our Aiport Extreme router and the AppleTV is showing full signal strength. The computer I'm syncing from it connected to the same Airport Extreme router via Ethernet cable.

Maybe its due to your unconventional set up.
what if u connect ATV and ur mac with cables at the same time, or wireless at the same time?
There's nothing "unconventional" about the wired/wireless mix. It's just a transmission medium. I do that at home and at work constantly, and there's no impact on working between machines in a mixed platform environment. Geez...

I would ensure that there's no other apps, tasks, or processes bogging down the machine you're transferring from. Cancel the whole thing and reboot, then start the sync, see if that improves it at all. What other network traffic is there (if any)? Eliminate the obvious.

Second consideraton if that the initial sync is supposed to take a while, like the first Spotlight indexing. Read the manual, check Apple Support online for anything related to this.

Wrap a towel around your head and DON'T PANIC! :D
Something's indeed wrong if you're transferring one song per minute. Follow the recommendations above, and make sure that other things aren't also being synced that you didn't realize were (movies, videos, etc). If you're using an AirPort Extreme, you should be transferring a song every few seconds or so.

Also check for interference... microwaves, baby monitors, and cordless phones at 2.4 GHz, other cordless phones at 5GHz. If you're not using the Extreme with other 802.11g devices, crank it up to 802.11n at 5GHz, which should eliminate most interference.

If all else fails, you might have a bad Extreme or Apple TV - but the indicated full signal strength would make that unlikely, at least in terms of transmission speeds.
I've been having similar issues. I have found, that restarting the router helps considerably. I'm using a version 6 WRT54G and essentially brought the thing to its knees twice since hooking up the :apple: TV yesterday afternoon
I too am noticing unbelievably slow transfer speeds. What's strange though, is that the :apple:tv is having no trouble streaming HD trailers from the internet or any of my movies from the same machine.

One thing I noticed was at first, in the :apple:tv settings in the devices list in iTunes, there was said to be ~300mbs of "other" on the drive. When I cancelled the upload and restarted it, it dropped down to ~70mbs. Strange, huh.
It took a while for me....I just left it one for hours. I never even put on Movies on it yet, simply because of the massive amount of time it took for my TV Shows, Music Vidoes and Music to sync....I'll add them soon.
I altered the title to include other issues in here with syncing.

One thing I've noticed is that, if I'm watching a show on the Apple TV and try to alter settings on the iTunes it's linked to, it tells me it's busy and will sync later.

It would seem - and again, this is with a day's worth of use, so "grain of salt" and all that - that it can't play a show and download at the same time, which seems odd to me. And by "busy" I mean that it's playing an episode of Kim Possible for my kids - not exactly a huge CPU drain. ;)
I'm sorry to thread crap but I didn't want to start a new thread for my question --

In order to sync wirelessly to your ATV do you need a wireless internet connection?

I ask this because my dorm blocks wireless modems and I was wondering if the syncing involved just my iMac to the ATV -- not through the Wireless Internet

I hope I made my question clear enough
I'm sorry to thread crap but I didn't want to start a new thread for my question --

In order to sync wirelessly to your ATV do you need a wireless internet connection?

I ask this because my dorm blocks wireless modems and I was wondering if the syncing involved just my iMac to the ATV -- not through the Wireless Internet

I hope I made my question clear enough

wireless modem? or wireless router?

U can use a cable line if u need to,
I'm sorry to thread crap but I didn't want to start a new thread for my question --

In order to sync wirelessly to your ATV do you need a wireless internet connection?

I ask this because my dorm blocks wireless modems and I was wondering if the syncing involved just my iMac to the ATV -- not through the Wireless Internet

I hope I made my question clear enough
No, you do not need a wireless internet connection, as far as I can tell, but software update, trailers, etc. won't work - which is a huge negative. I'd try to get it connected via ethernet if the wireless bit won't work. A simple switch and some ethernet cable are cheap, if a bit ungainly.
I've been having similar issues. I have found, that restarting the router helps considerably. I'm using a version 6 WRT54G and essentially brought the thing to its knees twice since hooking up the :apple: TV yesterday afternoon

This solution worked for me. I was pretty despondent about syncing but things have gotten much faster since I restarted the router.
This solution worked for me. I was pretty despondent about syncing but things have gotten much faster since I restarted the router.

This worked for me as well!!!!!!!

After three days of changing this and that and having the Apple rep tell me I NEED to have a wireless network setup. :apple: TV has just synced 23 songs in 7 minutes after restarting... this is pretty good, thanks.
Well, it worked flawlessly out of the box for me- amazing for a networking product( with WPA to boot!). BUT then when I tried to re-sync after adding some new content to my library it would just "hang" and sit there with the little whirrly sync icon, but nothing happened. I think I finally figured it out. I have a laptop with both a wireless card and I also leave it plugged into my home lan via an ethernet cable.

To avoid the problem, just detach the hardwired connection and use the wireless connection alone. I don't know if this helps anyone, but it would have saved me about six hours of frustration had I known about it :eek:
No, you do not need a wireless internet connection, as far as I can tell, but software update, trailers, etc. won't work - which is a huge negative. I'd try to get it connected via ethernet if the wireless bit won't work. A simple switch and some ethernet cable are cheap, if a bit ungainly.

Thank you very much jsw!
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