Just got my AppleTV and entered in the code on iTunes in order to pair it up and after I select the content I want synced I click Apply and then Sync. The Sync button then turns gray, showing it has been clicked, and then nothing happens. No transfer starts. What gives?
This is how I've worked around similar problems:
* Make sure you have your video tagged correctly. This means doing a
Get Info on the file and making sure it's set to the appropriate type (e.g.,
"TV Show", "Movie", etc.
* I setup a Smart Playlist with one for TV Shows and one for Movies that
picks up all files with the appropriate type.
* I then setup the AppleTV to synch to those playlists explicitly. When I set
up the playlists, I had to stop/re-start iTunes to be able to view the
playlist in the list of playlists that are available for the AppleTV.
* ...but still some videos wouldn't synch. So, I had to goto the AppleTV
and select a different library source, then re-synch with the machine
that contains the library I want to synch with. That forces the AppleTV
to re-load the information from the synch machine.
Perhaps someday they'll provide an option to simply forcibly re-load the
information from the machine running iTunes.
Yes, this is a lot more work than I had expected to have to do with an
Apple product. I'm hoping the first software update will address some of
these issues.
However, I've also had problems with playlists and synch'ing on the iPod,
so I've never been really happy with this synch'ing stuff.