Hey all question my Dad's emac came with appleworks is there anyway I can get it off his restore CD to put it on my powerbook? It only has a .pkg file and when I explore it dont see the installer anywhere. Anyone tried to do this before?
Originally posted by LimeLite
You can't simply get it off the restore cds...and it's also very unlegal. Go buy it, it's inexpensive. Or get Office X for students. 3 user license, $149.
Originally posted by Balin64
Well, now that you've been warned by all the school morms, and you know your everlasting soul will be damned, here's what you can do:
Download Cocktail. Run it, on interface tab set it to show invisble files. Insert your dad's install CD/DVD. Poke around until you see a folder called images. Inside it, will be a folder of additional apps. Appleworks should be there. This may or may not work in your case.
And to you little naysayers: I did this because I wanted Omni Outliner on my new PB but not other crap like Earthlink or MS Office (which overwrites a trial version over your own if you just install classic support and additional apps after initial restore) on the restore DVD.
If you've never downloaded one MP3 from the net, you might be in the right to comment on the legality of the poster's question. I think he/she is not an ingenué and probably knows it is not allowed to install the app on his PB.
Originally posted by jonapete2001 [/i/
This topic i think is called warez [/B]