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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 26, 2003
I was wondering two things:
1) Is it better than Office X. (dont be biased)
2) Will there be an update soon, like one where you have to a major v.7
1) Hahahahahaha! Office creams it. I've got both and everytime I open AW, thinking "maybe this time it's the tool for the job" I look and think..."too hard"

2) I bl**dy well hope so! It looks and feels like a badly made toy from the early 90s. But it has such huge potential.
Re: AppleWorks

Originally posted by iEric
I was wondering two things:
1) Is it better than Office X. (dont be biased)
Apples [pardon the pun] and oranges.
Originally posted by iEric
2) Will there be an update soon, like one where you have to a major v.7
It will be released in due time.
I also found Apple Works to be a waste of money. I bought it 4 years ago thinking it was going to be a cheap and better alternative to Office, but it just doesn't come close. And after over 4 years it is still at the same version only with a few bug/function fixes to make it work with newer revisions of OS X and newer systems. Office v.X is definitely a worthwhile investment, I wouldn't have gotten through the semester with all of the papers I've had to write with any other word processor, I'm sure.
I've always found AppleWorks to be more than adequate, especially after doing heavy duty work with MS Word on Windows. MS Word 4 for Macintosh was another matter.

Is it better than MS Office? What's better? AppleWorks doesn't have nearly as many features but its integration is much better.

Knowing that most people don't scratch the surface of either AppleWorks or MS Office, you should ask yourself what you really need.

Are you making documents with table of contents and indexes (indices)?

Do you need multi-depth spreadsheets?

Do you need to read MS Office for Windows documents?
I've found the user interface with MS Word to be much easier for me to work with than AppleWorks. Perhaps it's the many years of using Word, Corel, AmiPro, etc on the PC side, but I just didn't like using AW and found myself being less productive while trying to figure out how to use features that were either different or seemingly not better implemented like on Word. I also found the Word file save feature to be less than capable, many times my teachers and friends couldn't get files I saved with AW to Word format to open even though they were supposed to be compatible.
I prefer AppleWorks to Microsoft Office. I rarely use Spreadsheet/Excel, but when I have, AppleWorks Spreadsheet supported more equations that Excel did not have. I also prefer AppleWorks WordProcessing to Microsoft Word, as it seems easier to use for me. I know Word has more features, but I have rarely had any use for any of them. AppleWorks Drawing is useful for quick posters or project covers for school. Excel and Powerpoint do have some useful features. So it depends on what you like. AppleWorks is better for what I do, but Office may be better for others.
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