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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 17, 2007
Alright guys heres my problem

I recently purchased an Alu iMac in the summer. I was experiencing problems with it ever since. the first problem was the constant freezes which were soon resolved by a software update:D. But now a newer problem has surfaced. I constantly receive this error message. The "Application quit unexpectedly". So I take my iMac to the Apple store in Toronto and the genius there was very nice. He ran some tests and determined that my issue was not hardware related. He then cheerily popped in a Leopard disk and did an Archive and Install of MAc OSx Leopard. HE said that perhaps this would fix my problem. Although I am happy to be running Leopard right now I still experience this problem. applications quit around once or twice every week. How often does this happen to you guys? I plan to visit the Apple store again this weekend but I dont know how to approach this problem. Any suggestions? When apple fails me I can always count on Macrumors to deliver :eek:
What Application?

Some still have issues, where application suddenly quit will happen.
What Application?

Some still have issues, where application suddenly quit will happen.

Well I recently expericed something called Dashboard Client quitting. I dont know what thats about but anyway It is common in iMovie HD( the old version) Movie-pod and my printer software. I don't think that this is a leopard problem since I was expericing the same problems in Tiger. Any ideas???
Most of the time, when I have this problem, I delete the prefs file for the offending program and it clears it up. Since it's multiple programs, I'm not sure that's the problem, but it's worth a shot and easy to do.
I really don't have that issue on my iMac or Mac Pro (both Leopard machines). Occasionally I'll get it on my Powerbook (Tiger), but it seems to be mostly when I'm overworking it.
Create a new user ... see if the new user has the same issues.

Thats interesting because my dad and my mom have accounts on this computer and they have not experienced this problem. Your right this could be a user related problem. Unfortunately I have no idea how to proceed. Do I delete my user?? What about all my pictures and songs and stuff. Can somebody be so kind and guide me through the process.
Thats interesting because my dad and my mom have accounts on this computer and they have not experienced this problem. Your right this could be a user related problem. Unfortunately I have no idea how to proceed. Do I delete my user?? What about all my pictures and songs and stuff. Can somebody be so kind and guide me through the process.

Have you tried deleting the preferences for these programs? If the problem is in your user folder, the pref files are a likely source of the problem. Go to your User/Library/Preferences folder to find the files to delete.
I deleted all my preferences in the library but I'm stil having the same problem. Today Photo Booth unexpectedly quit on me. IS this normal? Have any of you guys experienced this same problem.

sorry to contact you, but just signed up here, and can't work out how to add a new message!!! I need to know how to quit dashboard client (whatever that is???) as it's stopping me do a lot of things...

any help greatly received!

Alright guys heres my problem

I recently purchased an Alu iMac in the summer. I was experiencing problems with it ever since. the first problem was the constant freezes which were soon resolved by a software update:D. But now a newer problem has surfaced. I constantly receive this error message. The "Application quit unexpectedly". So I take my iMac to the Apple store in Toronto and the genius there was very nice. He ran some tests and determined that my issue was not hardware related. He then cheerily popped in a Leopard disk and did an Archive and Install of MAc OSx Leopard. HE said that perhaps this would fix my problem. Although I am happy to be running Leopard right now I still experience this problem. applications quit around once or twice every week. How often does this happen to you guys? I plan to visit the Apple store again this weekend but I dont know how to approach this problem. Any suggestions? When apple fails me I can always count on Macrumors to deliver :eek:
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