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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 15, 2017
Hi I’m Jacky from Hong Kong
I’m applying for the specialist in Hong Kong last year ,and the staffing manager contacted me in February,but I’m not in Hong Kong at that moment,but we still keep in touch every month , the manager always ask me what time will back to Hong Kong ,and he sent me the invitation to me in July , and I told him I will back around September, last week (around 8/29) he said he will send me the new invitation to me ,and then I back to Hong Kong last few days,I sent an email to notice him I’m back already and I gave him my contact number , he hasn’t replied until yesterday (in before he will reply me quickly) , and today I receive a out of office letter is saying he is in a sick leave in limited access, anything urgent, please leave him an e-mail, and expect there'll be delay in getting back.

Is it a rejection email or he is really in sick?should I keep waiting for the interview? I’m so confused now, please help.



macrumors 68000
May 29, 2011
Portland, OR
You shouldn't be worried. Go into the store, drop the name of the person you've been in contact with, and see if they're there, or if they're out.
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