This seems a bit far fetched.
So, TROLL!!!
xraytech said:This seems a bit far fetched.
So, TROLL!!!
sjinsjca said:Do you have so many apps that some have no place to sit? (Don't laugh-- that's the case with my iPhone.)
Can Spotlight find the missing apps?
JodyK said:? Are talking about legit apps right ... Not jail broken ones?
gavd said:Pointless post - and surely a troll would make much more of a fuss about it to provoke if that was why they were posting.
OP - don't know what the problem is. Have you tried restoring from a previous backup and seeing if that makes a difference?
Wel another app vanished. I noticed pockettunes was gone this mornging, but the thing is all of the install apps are still contained in installous so i just have to open it and go to the downloaded menu and reinstall but even so, i have noooo idea why some apps are disappearing and such. This may ne an isolated issue,... Anyone else use installous... Have a similiar issue?
Brookzy said:Well it is almost certainly related to the jailbreak. If you are using the Spirit Jailbreak, it isn't finished for iPad yet and is a bit buggy. Cydia, too, aswell as installous, is a bit buggy. (I jailbroke my iPad for backgrounder - just not worth it). Regardless of whatever apps you are using, pirated or not, I wouldn't recommend jailbreaking. But, of course, thats your choice.
As I said in a previous post, restore the iPad in iTunes, and then if you are desperate, jailbreak it again. Takes 10 mins tops, and almost always solves all software problems.
Thanks for your thoughts. Makes sense, and i just didnt put two and two together that the jailbreak, cydia, installous r all beta rit now rsight the ipad.
Ill give it another day or so and if it keeps it uo, ill certainly restore. I mean i have all my purchased apps backed up on my imac so that works for me.
Cheers, have a great monday mate!
Thanks for the replies. I appreciate it.
tuxing said:I am sure this disappearance happens after an iTunes sync. I think it's a problem with app sync and iTunes that just deletes apps not loaded in iTunes on the desktop. For a fix make sure you add the ipas installed through installous to desktop iTunes also.
If you can't resolve this, I would contact Apple and take it back for an exchanges. I have never had that happen.
My device is jail broken but the app in question thAt keeps disAppearing is atomic browser. I purchased the full version, downloaded and installed but it keeps disappearing. When i do a search nothing. Since vie posted this post it hasn't vanished yet so I'm hoping it was just a glitch. ( oh and world atlas vanished once before so i reinstalled and it's been fine thus far )
Also, the reason I jb'd my iPad was so i could install sbsettings and backgrounder. I hve no desire to steal apps without paying for them, I believe in supporting the developers.