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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 4, 2009
I've noticed some of the apps I bought from the store are lagging - my iPhone is jailbroken. Anyone else have this problem?
Might just be me. But the Arcade Bowling game lag pretty bad when you throw the ball. That's the only thing I've noticed so far.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3G (white): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5H11 Safari/525.20)

I found my iPhone 3G to be pretty sluggish when I had Winterboard installed (because WB consumes such a large amount of available RAM) but even after uninstalling it, MobileSubstrate and Notifier, it still felt slow. I just restored to 2.2.1 or whatever the hell the new one is - un-jailbroken - and everything seems much more responsive. YYMV.
I've JB'n and found things lagging. Went stock and found the iPhone more responsive. Done this back and forth and find lag everytime I JB.
I haven't really had any lag while jailbroken. Then again, I have this installed:
WinterBoard + 1 theme
Some camcorder app

Don't notice any lag at all; I'm sure some is there, but it's snappy.
the people who seem to experience lag are the ones who have 4000 apps and 300 themes and tweaks installed. Then of course its gonna run slow. I have my custom theme, a few apps (cycorder and bitesms for example), a few tweaks and my device runs how it was default out of the box. I have exactly 30 app store apps installed as well.
Might just be me. But the Arcade Bowling game lag pretty bad when you throw the ball. That's the only thing I've noticed so far.
Yeah I have noticed the Arcade Bowling game lag, but it only happens when there are words scrolling at the top. If I wait for the words to finish scrolling and then roll the ball, then there's no lag. So it seems like if you roll the ball at the same time that words are scrolling, then it's just too much stuff for the iPhone to handle and it starts lagging.
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