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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 8, 2022

It might be a silly question, I know, but I wonder if there is an option for apps like Mail, WhatsApp, Messages to provide notifications even if there are not previously opened. For me, these apps are working fine regarding notifications only if I open each of them previously. In other words, every time I start my MacBook, I have to open those apps in order to receive notifications during the day. Is this normal? Is there any solution when receiving a message the notification to pop-up even if the app is closed?

Thank you!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 8, 2022
So you say a common practice is to have the box checked "Reopen windows when logging back in", or to select the apps from the "login items" section, to make them start every time you turn on the computer. This is the only solution I figured out. The downside of that is every time you start, apps will not only run in background, but will pop-up, resulting windows all over the screen that you have to close *pressing X* individually.


macrumors 65816
Sep 15, 2009
I don’t think it’s common to switch your Mac off. With my Air I just close the lid, and I press the “Lock” key on my Mac Mini’s keyboard. The only time they’re ever reset is when there’s a software upgrade.
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