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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 9, 2014
Since release of iPhone 13* and iOS 15, more and more apps stopped supporting / upgrading iOS 12 or older. I have iPhone 6 and have been forced to delete apps or use browser (or upgrade the phone!). Apps provide better experience as browser always lag behind in performance. I hoped Apple would have kept last supported version of app as per iOS version on iPhone.

But the point is - iPhone 6 / iOS 12 still delivers solid performance and capable of hosting these utility apps.( I am not talking about gaming apps or anything that is CPU or memory intensive)

Having said this, I wonder what is the reason for companies ignoring previous generation iPhone / iOS.
Does Apple recommend / ask iOS developer to not support / release for older iOS? if yes, isn't this forcing us to upgrade to latest iPhone? Or, there are not many users with iOS 12 or older and app developers suddenly decided its not worth the investment?

Any thoughts?

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
It’s a collusion driving users to buy buy buy new gear every few years. There’s zero reason why perfectly good hardware should be barred from use.

Think using iOS 12 is bad in 2021? I was using iOS 9 until last week. You know nothing of suffering.

It’s an endless treadmill that Apple has setup. iOS 14 will be in the same dire straights that iOS 12 is now in only two more years.


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2002
It’s a collusion driving users to buy buy buy new gear every few years. There’s zero reason why perfectly good hardware should be barred from use.

Think using iOS 12 is bad in 2021? I was using iOS 9 until last week. You know nothing of suffering.

It’s an endless treadmill that Apple has setup. iOS 14 will be in the same dire straights that iOS 12 is now in only two more years.

Then I’d suggest staying as current as possible and get on the iOS 15 bandwagon.
I’ve been running developer betas for the last three systems. I have yet to have an app stop working-always an app update available.
I’m a very early system adopter.
Sounds more like an app developer issue-maybe they don’t see the value to update apps for older systems vs. developing for newer systems and hardware with more capabilities?
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