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macrumors member
Original poster
May 26, 2010
Wirelessly posted

Guys has anyone else noticed it is currently taking ages to download apps from the app store. Normally the download used to start straight away but I'm finding I could be waiting anything up to 10/15 mins now before an app starts to Download...

Any ideas why?
Wirelessly posted

I'm in the UK chum... Running a fibre optic 50mb line, but I find apps sitting on "waiting" for ages at the minute.

Try and download a new app and see if it starts downloading straight away.
Wirelessly posted

Carrier o2

ISP - Business Line - Bytel/Atlas Communications
Wirelessly posted

Hmm... Strange.... Have tried it several times... Wonder what's going on...

Thanks for your help tho!
Your not alone. Same issue here. I have a good signal on LTE with the new iPad along with fast wifi but when downloading an app sometimes it would say waiting and just go no where. Then when it start downloading all is good.
Wirelessly posted

Yup that's exactly what's happening to me. Once it starts it's downloaded in seconds, but can take anything up to 10 minutes to start.

I wonder If apple are doing some kind of queue system for downloading apps so as not to overload their servers?
If there are multiple apps or updates being downloaded, the one getting the download will show the progress bar; the others wiil show a black progress bar and the word "waiting" - essentially waiting for its turn to be updated.

Also, I noticed that, if my iPhone or iPad goes into lockscreen, downloads cease and have to be re-started at whatever point it was when the lock was activated. Perhaps this is a factor in your issue??
Wirelessly posted

Nope. Not that. Only downloading one app at a time.
Is the long download proceess consistent - happens with all apps all the time? If it's sporatic, it might indicate fluxuations in the signal strength, either 3G or wifi.

I'm assuming you're running a stock iOS. If this issue occurs all the time, a question would be how many apps do you have on your device ... and how many are open in the multi-task tray. This needs to be cleaned out (apps closed manually) from time to time, especially if there are many random apps open.

If some of these apps are on push, such as news & weather apps or streaming in the background, RSS feeds, and such - this will severely affect your download speeds.

Another thing to check is the number of tabs open in Safari. Pays to close them as often as possible as the pages can be enabled to refresh in the background.
Wirelessly posted

32GB iPhone 4S with about 20GB free... No apps running in background... 1 tab in safari... Nothing else in house using wifi... Only started from iPad 3 launch.
Slow on my iPhone 4S also. It takes a long time to start or it stalls at mid to last one third and then it can be another five minutes before it finishes.*

Last week I had 12 updates and it took about twenty minutes. Same on my iPad 2 BTW.*
No issues here in the UK.
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