Does anybody know of some cool apps that use the cameras on the iPod touch? I have Red Laser, a barcode scanning app, but I would like some more cool ones.
Does anybody know of some cool apps that use the cameras on the iPod touch? I have Red Laser, a barcode scanning app, but I would like some more cool ones.
wo apps have caught my attention recently,
1. called CamKewl.
this is one of the best camera apps i've seen so far..very cool animations and well made!
i love the shaking part to switch between screens
and the accenting is very cool too. very good for artists like me! so worth the .99$ i paid for it.
2. called Layar
If you are a traveller, then this is for you. It puts out information of whatever it sees.. so many layers of info. Definitely recommended! check it out!